Little Kid Tells the Truth About His Mom’s Queer Indoctrination on Live Webcam – IOTW Report

Little Kid Tells the Truth About His Mom’s Queer Indoctrination on Live Webcam

The mom goes from proud to pissed as she realizes he is telling the world she forces her views on him.

14 Comments on Little Kid Tells the Truth About His Mom’s Queer Indoctrination on Live Webcam

  1. This is EXACTLY how progs operate. They threaten to disown their offspring if they deviate one bit from their bullshit religion. They are absolutely horrible in this regard.

  2. That kid is smart. I see bad things happening down the road between him and mom. I’d sleep with the light on and a camera rolling. He’ll get off Scott free.

  3. I hope to someday be blessed to be sitting on a jury for a trial of one of these victimized children when they are charged with murdering their parent(s) and their doctor. I will vote not guilty regardless of the evidence.

  4. There is no more miserable fate than being born into a progressive home. The parents, if you can even call them that, are nasty controlling fucks who make it absolutely clear that their offspring better toe the progressive line, or else. Or else what? The emotional abuse is without any limit. I have a few friends who were in that situation and listening to what they went through is enough to make a grown man cry.

    When I refer to followers of the progressive movement as sub human pieces of shit, listening to the type of abuse the rotten nasty fuckers feel entitled to heap on children played a substantial role in bringing me to that conclusion.


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