Little-known law stops Muslims from obtaining U.S. citizenship – IOTW Report

Little-known law stops Muslims from obtaining U.S. citizenship

BNI: Mohammad Al-Falahi had just gotten home from work and was about to take a shower when two detectives showed up at his door.

Mohammad Al-Falahi

At least one of them was on the Southern Nevada Joint Terrorism Task Force with the FBI in Las Vegas.

Review Journal  Al-Falahi claimed one of the detectives wanted him to inform on another man who lived in the same apartment complex. Both men were from Iraq. This happened in early 2014, about a week after Al-Falahi had his first U.S. citizenship interview. The now 30-year-old “aviation” (DING DING DING!) student from Las Vegas was confounded by the sudden mysterious activity surrounding him. And that was just the beginning.


4 Comments on Little-known law stops Muslims from obtaining U.S. citizenship

  1. We already got plenty of laws that Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, feckless, jug-eared, dog-eating, Gay-obsessed, Lying/Denying, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Bullgarian-speaking, Commie-loving, autocratic, Al-Qaeda appeasing, Benghazi bullshitting, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic Marxist Muslim Mallard ignores. At this point what difference does ignoring one more make?

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