Little Leaguer on Hot Mic Claims ESPN Bribes Umpires To Make Games More Interesting to Boost Ratings – IOTW Report

Little Leaguer on Hot Mic Claims ESPN Bribes Umpires To Make Games More Interesting to Boost Ratings


The midwest teamā€™s manager Dave McFate was micā€™d up as he gathered the infielders and Townsend at the mound when the pre-teen pitcher could be heard blasting ESPN for rigging the game to set the opposing team up for a comeback.

ā€œThis is for ESPN ā€¦ Itā€™s for ESPN so they can come backā€¦ Because ESPN likes this,ā€ the youngster said in a frustrated voice. ā€œAll ESPN.ā€

You know trust in theĀ mainstream mediaĀ has hit ultimate rock bottom when a 12-year-old Little League World Series player questions the legitimacy of a game being broadcast on ESPN because they believe that the sports network has bribed the umpire to throw the game for more favorable ratings.

McFate was quick to bring the boys back to reality and gave them a quick but firm pep talk.

ā€œNothing we can do about that strike call, okay? Thereā€™s two outs ā€¦ We gotta shake that, we gotta shake that,ā€ McFate told the group of boys.

14 Comments on Little Leaguer on Hot Mic Claims ESPN Bribes Umpires To Make Games More Interesting to Boost Ratings

  1. Espn, owned by Disney… Hmmm
    Do I need to say anything else, it’s Disney.

    These kids should consider themselves lucky they’re not being subjected to Disney’s Pedo Grooming programs.

  2. The kid is astute and is learning in his youth how crooked the world is. It will leave him a bitter taste in his mouth as to how things are done in the real world. His life is just beginning, I feel bad for these children who will grow up under communism. This kid will be remembered for his accusations. Shut up and hit the ball, how the game is managed is not the kids concern. That’s how the game is played.

  3. Ah, BULLSHIT!!!!….The kid is turning into the next generation of elite whiners playing a kids game…It’s baseball, for gods sake, human errors by the umpires are part of the game. With replay those human errors are minimal at best…..

    There’s a move to make computers call the strike zone. Who’s the kid gonna blame if that happens?….Just shut up and play ball! and be damn glad you got to play at that level because there is little probability you’s ever play at the major league level…..HELL, LET’S PLAY TWO!!!!….(h/t Earnie Banks)…

  4. I’d be looking for a pattern
    Once is an accident
    Twice is coincidence
    Three times is enemy action.

  5. It is what it is and this is what the country has been being conditioned for the last century to not notice. There is absolutely nothing that hasn’t been corrupted. Absolutely nothing.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams

  6. This is a typical line of reasoning from a liberally brainwashed kid. Don’t take the blame or responsibility for the comeback, blame some body else. Take your participation triphy and go home, whiner.

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