Little Marco Sees No Evidence To Support Claim That the FBI Infiltrated Trump Camp To Snare His Admnistration – IOTW Report

Little Marco Sees No Evidence To Support Claim That the FBI Infiltrated Trump Camp To Snare His Admnistration


Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said he sees “no evidence” to support President Trump’s claims that the FBI used an informant to gather information on his campaign, but that instead the federal probe was focused on “individuals with a history of links to Russia that were concerning.”

“What I have seen is evidence that they were investigating individuals with a history of links to Russia that were concerning,” Rubio, a Florida senator who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee told ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent and “This Week” Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz on Sunday.


Question for the sweaty dipwad.

Had this been the Obama administration, would the FBI have kept the spying hush hush in order to possibly ensnare Obama somehow? Or would they have gone to him to explain that they had reason to believe people in the outer sphere may be up to something?

ht/ GoCJG


24 Comments on Little Marco Sees No Evidence To Support Claim That the FBI Infiltrated Trump Camp To Snare His Admnistration

  1. Individuals with a history of links to a former(?), current(?), communist(?), oh… let’s just say dictatorship… are “concerning”, Mr. Rubio? Is that your final answer?

  2. @ fly sweat – don’t ya mean sweaty?

    Look up Gang of Eight and John Brennan.

    The Fordham Phcuk ‘briefed’ them all individually.

    I need a bottle of water…like quick.


  3. Progressive/leftist Marco did a self ”outing” 8 or 9 years go when he did the GOPe response to the SOTU.
    His opening paragraph had 3 strong conservative positions he calmed to support. He would then proceed to prove they were all disingenuous!

    Then in the next many paragraphs he mades many statements proving that the opening was merely a pack of “Compassionate Conservative “ lies!

    The first 4 times Marco made a statement showing his opening was a “Compassionate Conservative” lie; he would pause (probably saying to himself’ “Did I just prove that I am a liberal liar?”) and take a drink of water from a bottle.

    Prior to Marco’s “self outing” as a progressive he was the GOPe’s favorite (AFTER YEB). Conservative pundits and bloggers went berserk mocking “Marxist” Mario.
    He then fell behind the marxist from Ohio “big (?) John”.

    If you are into Schadenfreude (I admit I’m amen —-) check out his speech on a vid site – duck Duck may have it. The expression of pain +sorrow every time he made a statement proving his earlier statement was a “Compassionate Conservative” lie is priceless.

    Marco hates Ronnie so of course I hate Marco! I clearly have a bias; and admit it!

  4. Little Marco is an idiot if he thinks that the Russians were helping P. Trump,and the FBI was not trying to take down P. Trump.
    Maybe Rubio and his family had some help from the Russians in the past. Might need some looking into. What a little shit, P. Trump will not forget this. They will never learn. P. Trump picks winners and losers now, Rubio is now in the loser column.

  5. Is this little dipshit REALLY stupid enough to imagine that his backstabbing will get him enough votes from any but the likes of Kristol, the Bushies and others of that ilk to successfully challenge PDJT in 2020??

    That chirping little squirrel should have gone back to Cuba…

  6. The only person in DC who seems not be changing his story on a daily basis is Trump. Everyone else is cycling through one bullshit narrative after another depending on what advantage they think it gives them in the moment. And they don’t care how irrational they sound, especially when comparing their statements over time. Asshole like Rubio are fucking insane. They’re not like normal people. And they sure as hell shouldn’t be running anything, much less a country.

  7. This little chameleon changed his tune as soon as he was originally elected. Unfortunately for me he is one of my Senators and though I saw through him early on, he’s harder to get rid of than flat feet.
    He’s no more than opportunistic scum and exactly the type this nation needs far fewer of.


  8. I knew when I heard years ago that Rubio had issues with his credit cards, co-mingled personal/political expenses, etc. that he was not going to be a guy to get behind. Put your finger in the air to find the politics behind his donors to know where he stands. Owned by the establishment, sold out in hopes they’d one day put all their eggs in his basket. Pretty much burned out in 2016 against Trump and Christie who was able to expose him as well. Still doesn’t realize he is no longer relevant.


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