Little Miss Stink Eye – IOTW Report

Little Miss Stink Eye

The Swedish Scold, Greta Thunberg, gave a highly emotional brow- beating yesterday to those attending the UN Climate summit.

“”People are suffering,” the 16-year-old continued through tears. “People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you” More

Later in the day President Trump stopped by the summit for a few minutes before moving on to more important matters. Thunberg happened to be present when the president arrived to provide a classic portrait of frustration at being upstaged so easily as she was shuffled off to the side. Here

The MSM today is claiming the President mocked Thunberg when he tweeted that evening that the 16-year-old autistic has “a bright and wonderful future.” Here

34 Comments on Little Miss Stink Eye

  1. I’d have been banned from the UN for life for laughing at Saint Pie-Face in the middle of her (rehearsed) screed. Did they present her with a Junior Secretary General’s badge from the gift shop?

  2. Why is it that with these lunatics, the only answer for ANY problem is always destruction of personal freedom and total government control of all aspects of life? Were that truly the answer, Red China, India, the Soviet Union, and North Korea would be virtual Gardens of Eden instead of the ecological disasters that they actually are.

  3. I have seen a few vids of her. She clearly doesn’t like to be told to stop talking or be upstaged. I’d hate to see her a few months from now when she finds out they’re done with her and have moved on to another person.

  4. Not big on mandatory stuff, but I think mandated viewing of the Twilight Zone where the little kid sends you to the corn field is needed before the Swedish Scold screeches.

  5. The left is really gross. That girl is standing there thinking the Earth is going to collapse (but you know, they told her not til after she’s gone, of course) and she’s clearly feeling tortured about it.
    You’re gross, Progs. Super gross.

  6. Aren’t there any credible scientists the UN can showcase to support their climate change cause? All we seem to get are claims of “consensus,” self-serving politicians and a 16 year old autistic Swedish girl.

    What ecosystems are collapsing? What evidence is there we are on the beginning of some sort of mass extinction? Why can’t I divide by zero? I want to know.

    If we manage to eliminate putting carbon dioxide into the air, (1) will this solve the heartbreak of climate change and (2) will this ultimately do more damage than good? Will my grandchildren be forced into future programs to increase their carbon footprint to save the planet again?

    On a credibility scale, the score is: (1) politicians – zero; (2) high school children not named Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton – zero; (3) late night comedians and actors – zero; (4) vacuous news reporters – zero; and (5) leftists – minus 50.

  7. She’s got railroad track ears and a host of other fetal alcohol syndrome features. Poor girl, abused by her parents before birth, then had the climate screws put to her after birth.

  8. People are generally suffering far less than at any other time in history and if they are suffering it is because their governments have engaged in the suppression of capitalism and policies that only enrich leaders and chosen elite. Note there isn’t one solution offered by Greta. The brainiac took a boat here that had to be returned using fossil fuels. Please explain how taxing the world economies into ruin is going to save the planet.

  9. the only climate that Greta Iceberg is creating is a Climate Of Hate.

    I GUARANTEE you that this stupid Squarehead would gleefully shove all of us Capitalist Consrvatives into solar-powered furnaces if she was given the chance.

  10. This 16-year-old, who deliberately is being done up in the hair, clothing and style of a 6- or 8-year-old, appears to me to be severely emotionally disturbed.

    If any “child” ever expressed herself around me with this kind of tone, in this obnoxious, fact-free manner, there would be consequences, the least of which (depending upon who the child was and the circumstances) would be to be completely ignored. Go Trump.

  11. Dumb shit needs to take her effed up parents back to Sweden, do something about Sweden’s REAL problems, instead of wasting time worrying about America’s imaginary problems.

  12. There is still time for her to have a childhood, but she will have to hurry. An intervention, separation from her handlers, and go for a ride on a Harley-Davidson to start. Her being surrounded by communist users has caused her to feel the way she apparently does. I don’t know, smoke a joint and play ping-pong or something … but first get the hell away from those user sons of bitches…. sheesh

  13. all this kid needs is a Skipper from ‘Gilligan’s Island’ hat & a corncob pipe & she’d be the daughter of Popeye the Sailor Man … toot, toot!

    & … if you did a little research I’d bet you’d find quite a few similarities to this little Hitlerjugend’s speech & passages in ‘Mein Kampf’


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