Little Mogadishu’, Minnesota: Brother of 12-Year-Old Girl Sets Trap to Catch Suspected Rapist – IOTW Report

Little Mogadishu’, Minnesota: Brother of 12-Year-Old Girl Sets Trap to Catch Suspected Rapist

In a remarkable display of courage and quick thinking, a 12-year-old girl’s older brother successfully apprehended a man of Somalian origin suspected of sexually assaulting his sister in Minneapolis. The incident unfolded after the brother discovered disturbing messages on his sister’s phone, prompting him to set a trap to catch the alleged perpetrator. more

6 Comments on Little Mogadishu’, Minnesota: Brother of 12-Year-Old Girl Sets Trap to Catch Suspected Rapist

  1. Bravo, young man! Bravo! I hope you are a role model and example to American men of all ages.

    (If, God forbid, there’s a next time, be sure to have a drop piece, shoot the animal, and say you feared for your life.)

  2. Remember that in Islam the girl deserved it…just an example of what Waltz wants to bring to your hometown…which will become a sharia friendly anti-American suitable with everything given away and parents being able to euthanize children as a free access to abortion.


  3. Too bad dad and brother didn’t finish the job, follow The Four Esses, and bury the sand chigger in the back yard.


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