Little Talked About Danger – Overhydration – IOTW Report

Little Talked About Danger – Overhydration

With this obsessive water drinking by bottle-carrying Americans, a dangerous condition has to be mentioned – Overhydration.

Too much water leads to the inability of the kidneys to keep up with the fluid intake which can lead to death because salt levels in the blood drop and the cells in your body begin to swell.

A high school football player feared he was dehydrated and kept drinking water. Unfortunately overhydration mimics dehydration in symptom. This vicious cycle led to his death.

When should humans drink water?

When they’re thirsty. That is the body’s signal that you need water. Staying ahead of the signal is not necessary.


46 Comments on Little Talked About Danger – Overhydration

  1. After living in a dry state, CO, electrolyte imbalance is far more common. Drink G2 when in the Sun or propel if your Diabetic. Us diabetics are really susceptible to electrolyte imbalances when exercising in the mountains at elevation. LOV U
    type 1 mja, life is a struggle…

  2. Yeah but when it’s 95 degrees outside and your brother ( who is in worse shape than you ) spends the day outside helping you out on your project, make sure you drink enough water. I ended up very sore, and had a few cramps last night. He, on the other hand, ended up in the hospital.

    Ain’t that a kick in the head. Poor guy drove 2 hours to help me, because our theory is 2 cripples should equal one of us when we were not so jacked up. Been teasing him all day because they are keeping another night, but have felt like an ass all day because that happened to him. Then this is posted.

  3. I had a co-worker who carried around at least two bottles of water wherever he went. One day he passed out and was rushed to the hospital. Over-hydration. Until then, I didn’t know it was a thing.

    Several years later he died. Many of us think he did it again. Even after the scare of being hospitalized, he still had a kind of fetish about drinking water all the time.

  4. I think Left Coast Dan is right; the body tells you when it needs water and when it needs salt. A handful of salted peanuts in the afternoon seems to work for me.

  5. If you are a frat boy and make a pledge drink too much water and he dies, you go to prison for manslaughter.

    If you are an illegal alien and steal a gun and shoot and kill somebody you get convicted of felon in possession of a gun and sentenced to time served.

  6. Well, yes, it *is* possible to overhydrate, but it’s not simply a matter of drinking too much water – it’s a matter of drinking too much water in too short a span of time.

    Your kidneys have a maximum rate of output. If your intake exceeds that, then yes you’ll overhydrate, your electrolytes (sodium in particular) will be low due to dilution, and this can lead to acute health problems, up to and including death.

    But as a healthy person with normal renal function, you have to drink ludicrous amounts of water for this to happen. The only case I’ve ever seen in real life was a girl who was partying at a rave while taking some form of meth. She presumably was overheated and kept drinking water until she slipped this mortal coil.

    I also want to mention that people with renal dysfunction for whatever reason will obviously have a lower threshold for this effect.

  7. “Well, yes, it *is* possible to overhydrate, but it’s not simply a matter of drinking too much water – it’s a matter of drinking too much water in too short a span of time.”

    Exactly. We learned this in Band Camp back in the 70’s. Northern Cali’s been hotter than the hubs of hell all last month. I average 10 bottles waters a day. Just not all at once. Plus I’m triple X.

  8. Look down when you pee. If it’s colorlessly clear, you’re prolly overhydrated.

    Look down when you poop. It should make you smile
    realizing that President Trump is fighting, like the great man that he is,
    to eliminate all the crap that Obozo did to us.
    That should remind you to FLUSH. Flush twice. Then smile again.

  9. A few years back I was constantly thirsty. It was a warning sign eventually diagnosed as diabetes.
    My A1C was 13.8. Yikes!
    Stabilized now under 7.0 with diet change, regular exercise and meds.

  10. LCD

    Had some super hot wrestling practices. They had us eat salt tablets 2 hours before practice. Drink as much water as you want before practice. None during. Two, sometimes three hour practices when we played Iron Man with the coaches. That was a hoot. Dang I miss those days.

  11. @LeftCoastDan: I played high school sports in the early 1970s, and the coaches believed water gave one stomach cramps. Two a days in 90 degree heat, and we got a water break once an hour and a salt tablet at the end of every practice session. It was the same with basketball – one water break midway through practice.

    Now I hit the gym and I see weight lifters carrying around gallon jugs of fluid. Although Bad Brad knows more about this than I do, this seems like overkill since weight lifting is not particularly aerobic and the weight room is air conditioned.

  12. I always tell my Scouts… “If you don’t have to Pee, you’re not drinking enough water.” But… That doesn’t cover the other end of it… If you “pee water”, you’re drinking too much water.

  13. MJA
    The clarity of your urine vs hydration is bull shit. If you are properly hydrated you urine will be mostly clear, unless you have a kidney problem. Like I say, I drink a lot of water. Even in the winter months. My urine is pretty dang clear. Occasionally I even get a salmon trying to swim up stream. Freaks me out. But they’re pretty damn eating.

  14. I usually drink some water after I pee, as well as when I’m thirsty.
    it all boils down to osmosis, in a way.

    tip- though the craving of thirst is one of man’s greatest driving forces, many elderly have a diminished sensation of thirst. They might need encouragement to consume an adequate amount of water to avoid dehydration. If you see an elderly person who you think might need some help, ask them if they’d like something to drink, and then get it for them. I do it all day.

  15. PJ

    Been trying to get on it full time but works been kicking my ass. Yea carbs preserve water weight. Clamp down on it and let us know. I’m believer. Don’t worry about drinking water.

  16. The only time I’ve probably ever overhydrated myself was when I was working on the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 during full flight ops in the South Pacific and in the Indian Oceans. When it’s 100 + degrees surface temperature and the black non skid surface on the flight deck makes it even hotter and with jets moving about and being launched and recovered all day and wearing long sleeved jerseys and helmets it got so hot that it felt like you couldn’t get enough liquid to stay cool and not pass out from heat stroke. Salt tablets were mandatory, our Chief made sure of that every time we worked in those kind of extremely hot conditions. I drank so much water, koolaid (strawberry bug juice) and pop since our fridge in the line shack was always stocked with pop out the wazzoo, pineapples when we could get them or steal them when we were in Hawaii. Of course I was also 20-22 years old at the time and could do that then and eat 5-6,000 calories a day and not gain a pound working that hard. I drink lots of water still especially when driving on these very hot Summer days, avoid pop for the most part( I can’t even remember the last time I drank a large Slurpee) and limit my coffee intake to 1 cup in the morning and I still pee like a racehorse and am not above stopping alongside the road to pee at times, plus McBozos are my rest areas of choice since they are pretty much everywhere.

  17. Wyatt
    Pretty damn happy to hear you’re in the gym.
    Most those clowns carrying their gallon jugs around have a concoction of Creatine Booster, Complexed Amino Acids, and horse urine. And none of them ever get any stronger or any bigger. The secret to getting big in the gym is that very last rep. All the others don’t mean shit. Keep lifting brother.

  18. @ Bad Brad

    My daily readings even after eating are looking pretty stable. No big fluctuations. My A1C below 7. No meds. Only lost a few pounds, want to lose more for the sake on my knees. I think I figured out that I still eat a little too much protein and not enough fat.

    I have no sweet tooth because I was on Atkins from ‘98 until I started switching over to Keto about 5 months ago. When I did Atkins, not only did I limit carbs, but also fats. My poor bod is in shock being fed fats. 🙂

  19. I did stop at the Travel center in St. Regis, Mt. a week ago Monday and have a huckleberry milkshake when it was real hot out, it was outstanding and helped to cool me down and make me feel better. A little pricey but every once in a while I treat myself.

  20. PJ

    Keto makes one hell of a lot of sense. But it requires time for discipline. I hope like heck I’m on it full time by the beginning of next month. Keep us/me posted.

  21. “Unfortunately over-hydration mimics dehydration in symptom. This vicious cycle led to his death.” Type 2 Diabetic with Poly Nephropathy. Here, try this anti-depressant, some find it helps even though “we don’t know why”. 2 years later, after 6 scripts to titrate on and off, notta. The last one tried, when asked “how is it”, my reply was “Gee Doc, still not no difference”. Answer – Let’s increase it! 3 weeks later, complete temporary paralysis, knocked down front door surrounded my EM T’s and Police. How did it happen? The increased dosage has a side effect of reducing the blood sodium level (a known side effect). I had no sodium in me. Hydration was fine but without salt makes for a real problem. After an 1 1/2 hours of saline, wow, I can move again! Wanted to keep me overnight because they could not figure it out. I was walking again and said no, I’m going home. I explained to The ER doc what I thought it was and he asked me to stay put while he checked it out. He came backed and said “I’m going to go with you on this one”. Over/under hydrate, drink when your thirsty and pee clear as you can. If it’s not red, Be Happy! Also, Asparagus has always been a big NO! Only a guess but the “Flames” thing would be a worry.

  22. My bad. Figured we bottomed out with a controversy over how to drink water… but we’ve reached a new depth with a pee thread.

    Sorta hopin’ we’d have flying cars before a pee thread but what do I know about technology?

  23. Look at the color of your urine. Light yellow, yellow or a tad darker is probably fine. It it’s coming out clear, you probably are over hydrated. A woman died sometime back trying to win a Playstation or X box. A radio station had the contest. The person who drank the most water won. She won and died shortly thereafter. Over hyrdration washing all of her essential minerals out of her body.


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