Live-Blog of Tonight’s Debate – IOTW Report

Live-Blog of Tonight’s Debate

Have at it!

190 Comments on Live-Blog of Tonight’s Debate

  1. This idiot thinks if you give 1000 a month to every adult, mental health would lower.
    Ummmmmmm, millions would spend it on drugs. Others would spend it on sneakers.
    The country would be a mess.

  2. Yang has been hitting the republican/conservative talk shows. His ideas are liberal, but he is different just because of this. Plus he is one of the smartest of the 20+ candidates, and I’m not saying this because he’s Asian 🙂 . Still, would NEVER vote for him over Trump. Yes, $100/month idea is stupid, but he sells it which is scary. And he’s “genuine” non-politician.

  3. The best parts, so far, are when they all talk at the same time, the longer the better.

    All of them want to have us pay for illegal immigrants’ healthcare.

  4. @All Too Much, that is the best part about this format, it forces them to talk fast and think less about formulating their answers to find out what is exactly in their heads.

  5. Kidnapping? Williamson almost lost her voice screeching that idiot idea. Illegals are putting their children in harms way and the USA is “Babysitting” children of criminals.

  6. Kamala Harris always sounds drunk or high? Either that or she has a very weird speaking pattern. Also panel trying to stop her about 8 times saying “Senator?”.

  7. Most of the rresidents of Central American countries won’t show up to Joe’s little party. Too many outstanding drug trafficking/money laundering arrest warrants.

  8. Kamel-Toe Harris promises to help the people with two or three jobs.
    What? Raise their taxes more?
    That’s as ridiculous as the doofus last night who would protect abortion rights for transgenders.

  9. To sum up.
    Raise taxes for all us ‘rich people’ (lol)
    give illegals all our shit.
    Say the exact same thing the other guy said but argue with them like they didn’t say the exact same thing.

    That is how you get Trump 2020.

  10. Biden should have said that he was dealing with other ELECTED Senators, like yourself. So you are saying that it is okay if your fellow Senators do not address you because of your views on abortion that is okay?

    Holy crap! Joey B blew it!

  11. Joe is Superman Whatever topic you bring up, he’s the foremost this and that.
    He’s amazing.
    Too bad he gets up on stage and says this is broken, this needs reform- but he’s been killing it in politics for half a century.
    What a fucking dope.

  12. A new game. What would these ass holes do for a living if they did not get into politics. For example, Kamel Toe Harris? A cheap hooker. Willy Brown agrees. Senator Sanders. A career educator, until he found politics. Now this self proclaimed socialist owns several expensive home and few expensive cars. Check their resumes. None of these people have actually ever created wealth. Never added value to anything they’ve ever done. To the contrary, they’re like vultures scooping up the remains. Are they worthy of ruling over us? Because that’s their goal. Buy more ammo.

  13. You brave souls. I’d rather nail my penis to a burning post than watch all these clowns out commie each other.

    When they have chosen their witless warrior and Trump bitch slaps him all over the stage, now that I will watch.

  14. Ask Buttgieg to explain to these idiots what an assault rifle is….As an military “man?” he knows that these thingy’s are just SEMI-AUTO. Just like my 1960 winchester semi-auto shotgun was an assault weapon for ducks…..

  15. Free college. Free money. Free and open borders. Free medical care. Free child care. Free abortions. It will just require all the money from the wealthy and the big, powerful corporations…who are really bad and evil and must be withstood. But none of them are troubled by big and powerful government. They want it.

    New “rights” manufactured and promised with each passing minute. None of them are fighting real evil. They’re fighting the Weather. They’re fighting free people. They’re fighting America and its founding.

    These people are not our betters.

  16. Swalwell: Dirty Diaper
    Williamson: Pilled (literally) Trump Hater.
    Bennet: His Parent’s came here seeking religious freedom and he let them down.
    Hickenlooper: Ugh! Legalized Pot!!! He say’s he does BIG things!
    Ghillibrand: She’s from New York. Never vote for ANYONE from New York, except Donald Trump!!!
    Yang: Refreshing except that he got early on in his $1000 pay-day, I think he can’t divorce himself from it so he’s stuck.

  17. ….and there you have it. Colorad’s road to demise all on the national stage. John Hicklooper (2 term mayor of Denver and 2 term Governor of Colorado) and Senator Michael Bennet. Neither of which is from Colorado…..Hickenlooper is expected to run for the senate after he is eliminated from this travesty of absurdity….

  18. If the dumpocraps have the balls to find and run an Albino African-American as President, I might vote for him or her. Because, ya know, just because it’s crazy. The dumpocraps would have to stop blaming white people for all the bad things in the world.

  19. Gabbard- Buttileig is my prediction, maybe with Harris and Booker in the mix.

    Unless there is a ‘Black Elephant’ in the room…that shows up. Sorta along the lines of what BFH said, but that bitch hated the White House.

    Have you seen an intelligent interview with the former first…lady? She don’t want no part in dis or dat.

    And hopefully her husband will be damaged goods by then, POTUS knows this, Moocheelle, might be coming and he is preparing.


  20. @BFH
    I hope the nominee is Joe, but I doubt it.
    It’s going to be Michelle Obama.

    That’s why there are so many running. A brokered demonrat convention where the super delegates can vote on the second ballot. Milwaukee is going to get trashed.

  21. Sasquatch has a speaking angrily problem. Unless they can train her like nobody is training these democratic front-runners, Trump gets a second term. I suspect she may take to the stage as the Democratic Presidential Convention as keynote. Because no one is speaking of Barack Obama right now and as long as this economy is better they will not.

  22. Actually, Elizabeth Warren also has the same, “speaking angrily” problem. And just so it’s not about women, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Klobuchar do not have this issue. But, remember, Hillary Clinton did.

  23. OK, I’ll say it! Elizabeth Warren is a huge put-off to men! I hope she is the winner of the Democratic primary. Because she will lose big-time!

    They think like it’s as if we should like her because she is a woman. No. We dislike her because we sense her dishonesty and she is not genuine like our current president.

  24. @Joe, You’re correct. It’s not just the looks, but the personality! Even if you considered her high cheekbones hot would anyone marry this crazy-lady? Yet elect her president?

  25. It’s past my bedtime. I love all your comments. I’m just glad I’m on about the 16th hole. Lost another buddy Wednesday, Ray Mannion, age 75, Viet Vet. And I’m thinking, WTF do I care anymore? We’ve had a slew of swordsmen as Presidents over the years, why not a whore for a change? Mox nix, judging from the way this clown show is going, if any one of them become President, we’re phucked. Kaput!
    I’ll vote and pray it doesn’t happen. That’s it.


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