Will Trump be magnanimous and be presidential and be respectful to Cruz?
He should.
-Trump thanks incredible people of Indiana. Says he campaigned hard in Indiana after being told he was down 20 points.
-Trump says America will win again. (It’s time now to be very specific.)
-Trump says 60,000 negative ads were aired against him “most of which weren’t true.” (Most. Hate to be critical, but that was strange.)
-Trump says West Virginia miners will keep their jobs with a Trump presidency.
-We’re going after Hillary Clinton. She will be a poor president. (Will?? Say Would. Yes, I’m being hyper critical, but we have to be. This is our presumptive nominee. I want him to be crisp, now.)
-“We’re going to keep our jobs in America. If American countries want to go overseas there will be serious consequences.”
– “I don’t know if Ted Cruz likes me or doesn’t like me. But Cruz is one hell of a competitor. He has an amazing future.”
-“Cruz has a beautiful family.”
-“Ben Carson is an incredible man. We want to keep them totally involved.” (He mentioned Christie as well, hinting that they have a future in a Trump presidency in some capacity.
-“Other countries will like us better in the future because they will respect us.”
-“We are going to rebuild our infrastructure because we are nearing third world status.”
-“We are going to rebuild our military.”
-“Rasmussen poll says I am now leading Hillary.”
-“Hispanic and African Americans want jobs. We are going to bring back jobs. Everyone will love one another, we will have a beautiful economy and everyone will love one another.”
-Trump thanks his staff.
-‘What Ted did was a great thing, a brave thing, because we need to bring unity to the republican party.”
-Trump thanks Jeff Sessions. Thanks Sarah Palin. Thanks Jerry Falwell Jr.
-Trump thanks ministers and pastors and says he won the Evangelical vote. “We are going to be saying Merry Christmas again.
-“We won with women, and I love winning with women.” (Weird.)
-“Our theme is very simple. Make America Great Again. You will be so proud of America very, very soon.”
gotta link?
It’s on FBN right now.
Nevermind..found it…
it will be Trump/Cruz 2016
Yeah… Uh, over Cruz’s dead body? He hates Trump, and last I checked, Trump ain’t too found of him either.
and now if little Donnie is the prez he will have ticked off the one guy in the senate that could have helped him. great plan there don.
Teleprompter? Or not?
Sounds like a teleprompter rather than Trump.
I expect to see it a lot now that he gets to drop the façade.
Is Glenn Beck dead yet?
JohnS, don’t even start dude. Don’t. ?
Has he thanked the Angry Aztec Asshole Armada yet? They’re doing yeoman’s work for him.
No, I don’t think it was teleprompter…think it was Donald saying what was on his mind…and that is from an objective #Never Hillary gal.
He is being very gracious, and that part impresses me….butt….it annoys the shit out of me that a potential president says he is going to create jobs. That is not there role in life. What they can create they can take away. I want a president that says government is not a solution to your problems, they are your problems. Yeah, I know, that’s just some pipe dream I have, but I want a government that gets out of the way not one that claims they can “create” the way.
Cruz 2020*
(*Trump says he only needs 1 term to fix everything)
He sounds so NOT Harvard or Yale. So Goddamn refreshing.
The question now, if Trump is the nominee, do we want Hillary to be president?
How do we prevent Hillary from being president?
I think I’ve made myself clear.
Cruz did not win. If you think that is Trump’s fault and now want to hold that grudge against him by digging your heels and and saying #NeverTrump, you might as well put Hillary For President stickers on your car.
Pretty simple.
Just save America. I don’t give shit how you do it.
Reverse all Obama EO
If Cruz accepts the veep to Trump, he is exactly the guy Trump and his supporters said he was.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
Chuffed start what? Trump is the one that recently went to the ‘prompter’. Coincidentally at the same time his staff was saying he was going to become ‘more presidential’.
That was a definite shout out to Obama.
Menderman; He will create jobs by getting the government off the backs of enterprise. He may even shit can the EPA.
a president can create jobs by removing what previous governments have put in the way.
For example, a president can create jobs by renegotiating bad trade deals.
This speech tonight was not on teleprompter.
It sounded like every other off the cuff Trump speech.
He could do tonight’s speech in his sleep, he’s said so much of it at least 200 times.
I want more specifics going forward.
I don’t care if they are written speeches, as long as what he’s saying are problems with their right-wing solutions.
I made myself clear months ago, elect Trump, I’m sitting out. You elected Trump and you feign surprise?
We told you what the consequences were, and you ignored them.
“time to be very specific” Do you really think this dolt is going to start being specific NOW? And why would he? It hasn’t hurt him so far. Americans are too stupid to do any critical thinking.
BFH you have moved the goalposts many times.
What happens if now all the ‘operation chaos’ democrats drop their support for Trump and attend to their real goal and Trump support falls heading into the convention?
As to Trumps supporters;
Now that the ‘enemy’ has been defeated where will the anger turn? They have little desire to go after Hillary, and none to go after Sanders. Many even think Sanders voters are their kin and will help them.
The hatred of Republicans has fueled a lot of the push behind Trump. Now that he stands as the only Republican, where does that energy go?
BFH, you actually made my point when you said ” a president can create jobs by removing what previous governments have put in the way.”
That is not what presidents are elected to do.
We need less government. We need somebody that understands that.
I said just DON’T because it’s your life mission to read deeply into every little thing Trump does and act like proof of this YUGE democrat conspiracy. Hell, if Trump were to scratch his chin, you’d go out and say he was giving ‘them’ the ‘signal’.
Trump now turns his guns on the real enemy. Get some popcorn, this should be fun.
Removing what previous president’s have put in the way is LESS government.
BFH it is not a fine point that business creates jobs and politicians don’t.
Trump claiming to ‘create’ jobs is no different than Obama doing so. Neither will be able to do other than have a government office come up with proof that they did it.
No its not. Replacing one big government policy with another is not less government!
Damit man, can you not understand that!?
“We told you what the consequences were, and you ignored them.”
I’m taking my ball home and sitting it out. Let the grandchildren pick up the fight. Spoken like a true George Washington.
BFH, why is Trump not saying that?
Bad_Brad. Cheers! ?
Menderman, jobs, really? Ever hear of a guy named Regan? Our economy (jobs) are part of national security. Look it up.
No, I don’t have the ball, you do, and I choose not to play.
Trump DID say that he is going to create jobs by renegotiating bad trade deals made in the past. Aren’t you listening?
And no, Menderman, trade deals with other countries is NOT “big government.”
Certainly renegotiating bad deals is something we want future governments to do.
Brad, are you serious? Jobs are part of national security and government should control them?
What the hell has happened to us? We used to control the government, and now you think the government controls us?
I can’t even….
Menderman is not very smart….obviously no college degree.
reminds me of the scene in ‘Braveheart’ where the Scot peasants start to walk away from the fight claiming ‘we didn’t come here to fight for those guys’ …. until Wallace jumps up to remind them that they’re not fighting for ‘those guys’ … they were fighting for their country against those that wanted to destroy it
…. guess we have a few of those Scot peasants here tonight
Fine, let Trump make the trade deals. Screw congress, they suck anyway.
I don’t want a 400 buck iphone made in China, I want a 2500 buck phone made in Jersey with a union label!!
are you hanging our future on trade deals that can change every other November?
My entire point was that Trump NEVER talks about reducing the size and scope of government. He loves big government! The only reason big government fails, according to Trump, is that nobody as smart as him has had a chance to run it. Does that sound familiar?
We’re going to have a bad case of buyer’s remorse with Trump. But voting for a forked tongued career criminal, treasonous pathological lesbo liar, who idolizes Carl Marx, and will make O’commie and Carter to look positively GREAT, is so much worse. Americans are turning their backs on God in record numbers and we’re going to pay a yoooooge price. Every nation that turns its back on God is filled up with muslims. The flood gates will open on Hillary’s watch.
@JohnS & Menderman – Thank You for the Eeyore-GOPe position
We need to control the House to stop Obama
We need to control the Senate to stop Obama
We need the Presidency to reverse Obama
The president can’t …
If your attitude going in is that it can’t be done, then it won’t be
When B Hussain O said “We are four days away from fundamentally changing America.” Only one voice spoke out against him: Rush Limbaugh. BHO has been very successful, and he’s not finished yet.
Now Donald Trump says “Make America great again.” and every Tom, Dick, and Jose want’s him to be more specific!
Paul Waldman, The Week, say’s Trump is a jerk, those who endorse him are jerks, and those who vote for him are jerks. (The Week, for those of you from Rio Linda, is a printed comic strip designed for people of the go.)
FOX tonight made it clear that voters with less than a college education are going for Trump. Also 6 out of 10 very conservative voters are going for Trump in Indiana.
I get it. Military service people, construction workers, farmers, oil riggers, coal miners (some), laborers; emergency service people, first responders and other ignorant assholes , like myself, are going for Trump, now that Cruz has stepped aside
I’d vote for a box of hammers before I’d cast a vote for Killary.
And I am sitting nothing out. This is the most important election in my lifetime. To sit it out, is unAmerican.
I never expected any of the positions to change right now. The Cruz supporters will seemingly continue their path of resistance no matter what is said or posted here tonight.
“I don’t want a 400 buck iphone made in China, I want a 2500 buck phone made in Jersey with a union label”
So all of our manufacturing jobs have been sent to China with the Dems and the GOP’s blessing. But I’m a manufacture. Am I just suppose to sit back and take it? Go find a job as a fucking Walmart greeter? I use to make 350k a year and now I struggle to make my house payment. The 50 employees I use to have are mainly STILL collecting unemployment or some form of Government assistance. Dude, sooner or later you got to realize there’s life outside Hicksville USA.
@ BFH, No, I do not blame trump for what happened to Cruz, I blame many so called conservative web sites like drudge and Hannity and gateway pundit and conservative nuthouse and little annie and pundits like laura ingrahm and Michael savage and above all, FOX, these are sites that will be permanently on my do not use list. And if trump loses in November these are the ones that I will blame for getting Hillary since they carried his water instead of supporting the longtime stalwart conservative.
Menderman is being obtuse:
Characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity
It’s an act he enjoys. No one can be that dumb
My guess is that more Democrats will hold their noses and vote for Clinton, than Republicans will hold their noses and vote for Trump. Independents were leaning toward more conservative candidates, until Trump turned them off. Obama beat Romney with the help of the MSM. Does anyone really believe that the MSM are going to play fair in the upcoming election? The War on Women just became the War on Everybody and Everything. I know plenty of Democrats here in Colorado, and most of them believe that Hillary’s legal problems are more than a right wing distraction. Even the ones who don’t like her, hate Trump more than any Republican that has ever run for office in their lifetimes. Independents could have helped elect a Republican, because of their dissatisfaction with the last three years of Obama’s disastrous policies. Not enough of them will be persuaded that Trump is more acceptable than Clinton. After four more years of Clinton, this country will never elect another Republican president unless another Great Depression or World War finally awakens the Middle Class. We are witnessing the FULL CATASTROPHE, so sit back and enjoy what Trump has wrought.
Marco, this may shock you, but I don’t think you’re smart enough to feed the pigs.
I smart enough not to engage in childish name calling over freely expressed opinions on a site that invites an honest, open dicussion of important issues.
well said Marco.
I appreciate everyone’s concern with Trump as the nominee.
But he’s the nominee.
Had they changed the rules and said that the guy who gets half the votes and 1/2 the delegates is the winner I’d be shaking my pom poms for Cruz right now.
But that’s just me.
Marco, please disregard the name calling and continue to offer your valuable and appreciated opinions.
If I can unify iOTW then there is no hope for a unified front that will defeat Hillary.
The rules are not written yet. The craziness has not even started.
Don’t pick out your pom-poms so soon.
We’d better unite now. We’re going to have a rough ride. Barry will see to it, before he leaves, that America will be scorched earth by the end of January 2017. Pray people, that the new Republican Pres doesn’t ride in on a horse and see the Statue of Liberty half submerged in the ocean.
Barry is working diligently to leave the economy in horrific shambles.
I just watch a bit of “Negro Nite a the White House” on CSPAN. (Formally the White House Correspondents Dinner)
Damn that Larry Wilmore is embarrassing. “You my nigga” he says to the POTUS and they all giggled like little pussies. Which they mostly are .
We need some class back in this White House. . Pronto
So Mr.Hat just what are you going to do with the never Trump people here that you have declared are your enemy? Will you still let them comment and tear Trump down? Or will you ban them. You really have put yourself in a spot.
Unite now? Really? I have scanned the RNC rules, not read them in their entirety, but there are dozens of ways they can screw Trump. Don’t show up? Somebody calls for a voice vote, you don’t vote because your not there. Round one done. after the 3rd round, you show up, vote anyway you please (or were paid to) and Bingo! John Boner is our nominee!
And that is just the simplest way this gets done.
I am damn glad Cruz dropped out and will not be the nominee. We are gonna need him (or someone like him) in 2020.
Never heard of ‘Marco’ is it crazy Menderman?
No shit Geoff, Marco’s point was we are all doomed because we didn’t vote for the second coming of one of Glen Becks turds. I’ll remind everyone I started off pretty positive here. I wasn’t aware is was going to turn into a god damn Tred Cruz wake. And I never called that idiot Marco a name, until now. I leave it to BFH for the big Teddy revival tonight. You got your head up your ass and your eye off the ball. Sniff, Teeeeeeeedy,
So now, Mendo, you’re glad Cruz dropped out, so we can have someone to run in 2020?
. Kick the fucking can down the road again?
You are beginning to irritate the bejaesus out of me. FFS
@Am I right, Marco has been posting a while and isn’t new.
Menderman obviously has no problem speaking for himself and doesn’t need to post under another name in my opinion.
Can’t wait to see who the VP pick will be.
Odds and ends of questions:
Whatever happened to Bobby Jindal? I never see a word in the press about him.
Where is our despicable son-of-a-mailman Governor getting his funding? Has Soros coughed up more cash?
Bobby Jindal just endorsed Donald Trump.
IP addresses rules that stuff out. I know BFH well enough that he would call me out if I did crap like that, but thanks for saying that Eugenia.
Moe? Kick the can down the road? No, saving seeds for the next season.
I’m not painted into a corner, and I don’t ban anyone.
I suspect #NeverTrump people will go away on their own
if they get sick of my drum beat that swallowing a known poison (like Hillary) is not as wise as swallowing the bottle marked “might be poison” (like Trump.)
Am I nervous about Trump being the nominee?
You betcha I am.
I’m always nervous about my representatives.
I’d be nervous about Cruz.
I’ve said I’m more nervous about Trump than I would be Cruz. But we have to stop Hillary now.
@Marco, I’m an Independent that registered R, in order to vote for Trump in the primary. I fully intend to vote for him in the general. I’m also Latina, a single mom, middle class, home owner with a bachelors degree. Basically, I’m your “It,” demographic, and I am all in for Trump. I’m sorry to say that I sent Cruz a donation very early in the process. Before I learned that he had only recently recused his Canadian citizenship and sealed his documents. Before he coauthored, with Paul Ryan, the article promoting the trade deal, that he is endlessly pretending he’s against. Before I found out that he gives next to nothing to charity!!! This was particularly galling as he claims to be so staunchly Christian. How many genuine Christians do you know that don’t tithe? I could go on and on. Thankfully, I don’t have to.
Trump 2016
Indimex, Proud to have you on our side.
Mendo. Four years of Killary will bring at least two, maybe three Supreme Court Justices, further social experimentation within the Armed Forces. That alone scares me and I will trust Trump to do the right thing, but not Killary or Sanders. Trump now being the presumptive nominee, we should back him to the hilt, that being the case.
This isn’t pointed at you specifically Indimex – I’ve heard plenty of others talk about Cruz not giving to charity including talking heads on TV / radio. Not everyone takes their tithes or gifts to charity off their taxes, and not all “charities” are tax exempt (Cruz has said that he paid for at least some of his nephew’s schooling after his sister died – that would be considered personal “charity” in my book, but it wouldn’t show up as a tax deduction).
I don’t know what Cruz did or didn’t do, but I think it is worth considering that judging someone without knowing the facts is premature at best.
So you will let them rip Trump apart and still think Trump people will want to stick around here? Not one Cruz supporter could bring themselves to say good job to Trump. The man just ran one of the best primary campaigns we have ever seen. How many governors and senators did he just beat handily and lets not forget the gop and the media, including iOTW’s choice Cruz. And one more thing it was the people that had a voice in all of this, Trump was our choice.
I have never posted under any other name than my chosen one, which is a variation of my actual forename. I’ve never stooped to disparaging any other person who I might disagree with at any time on IOTW. This is a free country that is on the edge of a historical precipice. It doesn’t take a hundred years to destroy a great country. In less than sixty years, this country has become almost unrecognizable from the one protected and preserved by my parents’ generation. I’ll vote for Trump, because Clinton will be worse for this country than Obama. She is so much better connected and savvy about the way things really work in Washington D.C., and she will transform this country and the free world more easily than Obama ever imagined. This is going to be the most critical election since Reagan defeated Carter. So, to all you Trump supporters, congratulations and remember not to make a mess of it.
Marco We’re America supporters
Fur, thanks for the recap. Last night I felt like something the cat drug in and I just couldn’t stay awake long enough to hear Trump speak.
I heard Cruz speak. It was a good speech, but geez–I am starting to hate the sound of his voice the in tge same way I hate hearing Hitlery speak.
Yeah, the sound coming out of Cruz’s lips sounds like a Beetlejuice character.
@Bad – I’ve always been on your team! Sucker for bad boys since I was 16 😉
@Marco – We likely agree on much more than we disagree. Regarding, “judging,” when a man repeatedly implies, and his father outright claims, that he is “The Lords anointed,” and when his strongest supporter makes statements that believers not voting for said man can’t possibly be true Christians, that man sets himself up for a higher standard and is therefore examined with more scrutiny. I made a factual statement, regarding his authenticity. Does anyone really believe that the smartest guy in the room is not going to optimize his tax deductions? Of course he is. As he should. Paying a nephews education expenses, while admirable, is not a charitable contribution. It’s helping out a family member. Which as believers, we are encouraged to do, IN ADDITION, to tithing! For Pete’s sake, he gave less than I did. With an income, in my highest earning year, five times smaller, than his lowest earning year. This is about practicing what you preach. Putting your money, where your mouth is, etc.
BTW, I have been factoring in charitable donations as a measuring stick for candidates, for the last twenty years.
All the best, Indi