LIVE call from Refuge — FBI Seige Happening. – IOTW Report

LIVE call from Refuge — FBI Seige Happening.

Audio of the FBI siege is live streaming – FBI surrounds 4 remaining Oregon occupiers with armored vehicles – WARNING – PROFANITY – LIVE

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26 Comments on LIVE call from Refuge — FBI Seige Happening.

  1. This was a really bad fight to jump into. It makes the rest of us look like a bunch of fanatics. The Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters passed. Having said that I can see a day when any one of us could be in this position. God be with them.

  2. The FBI had told LaVoy Finicum and the people with him that they were free to leave the compound and would not be arrested – just before they ambushed and killed him. These people know what happened to LaVoy.

    The federal government has proven that it can NEVER be trusted.

    The Patriot Act allows them to hold anybody they tag with the “domestic terrorist” label without bond for as long as they want.

  3. Another disturbing thing. That video of the LaVoy shooting points to highly trained tactical guys. The one coming out of the trees behind him was a dead give away. This points to either Special Forces or a highly trained tactical group within the FBI. The anticipation and calmness of the shooter that came out of the trees is disturbing. Make no mistake this was an ambush and somebody was going to die.

  4. Unruly, yes he grabbed a wound a realed on his right heel. No question. I just wish they would have waited for a better fight. The Feds got their living asses kicked last time around and are out to prove a point. Ultimately this will serve our purpose for the next time. The Oather Keepers and the Three Percenters have some seasoned people.

  5. LEOs are trained to not shoot unless a gun is pulled; in fact several years ago a cop in NY (i believe) was indicted for shooting a suspect who pulled what looked like a gun (in reality a cellphone). LeVoy Finicum had nothing in his hands, but was shot 9 times. Cops involved in shootings are routinely suspended pending an investigation; is that happening here? Who is are shooters? Where are the other videos from dash cams etc? Where is the truck? Where is the official autopsy? Why isn’t the press asking these questions?

  6. The Finicum family lawyer announced that they did have an independent autopsy done. They will reveal the results at the right time.

    Hopefully, the day LaVoy Finicum was murdered will also be the day that careers ended for a bunch of corrupt FBI faggots.

  7. Unruly that won’t happen. Lots of mistakes made by these people. I’d rather be laying out in the snow with a Lapua for 40 hours than DRIVE INTO TOWN. Did they not know what they were up against? So sad. What a waste.

  8. Some of the locals saw truckload after truckload of military vehicles and equipment brought in by the feds before the ambush.

    They also gave the local hospital a list of supplies they wanted them to have on hand, like they were expecting a lot of casualties.

    The wildlife refuge, I hear, is about 35 miles from nowhere. Not like a lot of citizens would be caught in the crossfire.

  9. The wildlife refuge, I hear, is about 35 miles from nowhere. Not like a lot of citizens would be caught in the crossfire.

    I can verify that. Damn good place for a battle. All the wrong reasons

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