Live Stream of Trump Speech in NYC- TOPIC: Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Live Stream of Trump Speech in NYC- TOPIC: Hillary Clinton

Hasn’t started yet. Should start by 10:45 et

23 Comments on Live Stream of Trump Speech in NYC- TOPIC: Hillary Clinton

  1. “She ran the State Dept. like her own personal hedge fund.”


    Romney NEVER would have gone there. Nor McCain. They’ve probably both already called Hillary to offer their private apologies for the vicious attack by Trump. And she’s probably already building a campaign ad using those apologies.

  2. I was a skeptic but trump just slit Hillary from her pee hole to her chin bone. Mitt Romney and John McCain played patty cake in 2008 and 2012. Trump just tore the covers off corruption and self serving and pure evil of the clintons.

    I’m in.

  3. In my opinion Trump needs to dump those damn teleprompters because it makes him look stiff and unappealing.

    Trump was much more connecting with the anger of the American electorate when it came from the hip, off the cuff.

  4. Pitch perfect. If there was one thing he could have added to great effect: “Now that the American people are on to her and the Democrat party, she is importing foreign voters and giving amnesty to those in our country illegally in order to win elections.”

  5. @Tsunami — I agree, yet I’ve talked to enough undecideds whose main complaint about Trump is that he is too unpredictable and they fear his free form. And I think those who have supported Trump know he will need to ‘act presidential’ in order to pull in those who will vote on superficial characteristics. It’s a small concession.

    I don’t worry about him changing for good and all. He’s naturally fired up about the outrages against America/Americans.

  6. @AbigailAdams – Trump’s appeal IS his unpredictability. This is why he scares the shit out of the one-party system currently in the halls of congress.

    ….which is why many in the RINO house are trying to destroy him.

  7. And STILL there are idiots over at PJMedia saying Trump’s in it to help Hilary win! I haven’t seen so much delusion since everyone went on and on about how “electable” Mittens was in ’12.

    Trump is the closest thing we’ve had to a chance to take he country back as we’re likely to get in our generation.

  8. @Tsunami — I completely agree that IS is appeal — but to those who understand what he is talking about. There are still way too many undecideds who do not know enough about simple economics, trade deals, affect of illegal immigration (or think it’s sad to refuse those “poor people yearning to breathe free”) and what sovereignty means (think Bernie Sanders voters) who will vote on things like hair-dos, sex appeal (yes), and other hair-brained personal characteristics. Way too many. One thing that has come up again and again for those dopes is their concern about Trump’s so-called ‘bombast.’ And all I’m saying is that staunch Trump voters aren’t worried if he tones it down a little — when it’s needed — so that he has wider appeal to those scared-y cats. 🙂

  9. @AbigailAdams – Trump is toning it down, but also trying to use facts as the appeal, and this is where Hillary is mopping it up on him. Hillary is appealing to the EMOTIONAL hunger of the idiots residing within our country.

    On gun control:
    They’re trying to take away your 2nd Amendment.-FACT
    Nobody wants a terrorist to be able to buy a gun.-EMOTION

    Pulse victims died because they were unarmed and couldn’t defend themselves.-FACT
    Pulse victims died because scary-looking weapons of war are evil.-EMOTION

    We have to build a wall to prevent illegal immigration, otherwise we have no country.-FACT
    We have to open our borders to refugees because tolerance and diversity makes us good people.-EMOTION

    The American workforce is being held back because of stifling taxes, Obamacare rules, and EPA regulations which kills growth.-FACT
    Wage inequality is why women, blacks, and hispanics can’t get ahead.-EMOTION

    Trump: Islam is the problem.-FACT
    Hillary: Violent extremism due to racism is the problem.-EMOTION

    TRUMP’s METHOD: Tell people the truth.

    HILLARY’s METHOD: Tell people what they want to hear.

    ADAM: God said to not eat of the tree of life or we will surely die.-TRUST
    EVE: God is trying to hide something from us.-SUSPICION

    In 2,000 years nothing has changed. Most people still use their heart to decide things that their brain should be in-charge of.

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