Liz Cheney Fires Back After Bernie Sanders Angered Over Her Attack On Socialism – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Fires Back After Bernie Sanders Angered Over Her Attack On Socialism

DC: Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney fired back Friday after Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders mocked the congresswoman for criticizing socialism.

While giving a speech Thursday to nominate Republican California Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House, Cheney emphasized the importance of standing in opposition to “the fraud of socialism” that Democrats would supposedly carry out if allowed.

Sanders, a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, seemingly took umbrage with her attack on his political ideology.

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11 Comments on Liz Cheney Fires Back After Bernie Sanders Angered Over Her Attack On Socialism

  1. I have news for everybody. We’ve been under socialism for the past 100 years with the income tax, public schools, social security, medicare, etc. etc. etc. Now what they’re going for is full blown communism. Wake up people!

  2. Socialism works just fine as long as EVERYBODY voluntarily buys into it. I won’t volunteer, and without me it isn’t everybody.

    Only fools, thieves, and authoritarians want socialism, and to get it they’re willing to use force, or, as some of them put it, they’ll use “any means necessary.”

  3. @TRF January 5, 2019 at 6:55 pm

    HELL! Tell them “But weeeeee voooted!”, “It’s the rules!”, or “You said!”, and you don’t need to be real smart to “make” someone else give you their shit!

  4. Along with that freak Bernie Sanders we now have a Muslim, several homos and foreign born reps.
    The US congress looks more like the United Nations than the house of representatives.

  5. Bernie needs to take all the new “socialists” in the democrat party on a field trip to Venezuela for a month. Then come back and give us a report on how they think things are going in that socialist hell hole.

  6. “Bernie needs to take all the new “socialists” in the democrat party on a field trip to Venezuela for a month”
    It would be better to require everyone who voted for Bernie and his like-minded elected colleagues spend at least two years living in Venezuela before being allowed to vote again.

  7. And the Hollywood hit piece on her father that released this week ‘Vice’, the caricature film of Dick Cheney, is at number 7 at the box office this weekend.

    Fortunately Clint Eastwood is a number 6.

    We’re at war. That is all.

  8. The Eastwood movie is interesting, entertaining and has many non PC incidents and situations.
    Go see it tomorrow so that the Hollywood rags can exclaim…



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