Liz Harris Activates Over 800 Volunteers To Protect Election Integrity – IOTW Report

Liz Harris Activates Over 800 Volunteers To Protect Election Integrity

Uncover DC:

A former candidate for the Arizona House of Representatives, District 17, Liz Harris, shows citizens how to be an effective activist and get results. Starting in December, she managed to call to action over 800 bi-partisan, unpaid volunteers throughout the state with her It Smells Funny website form where she asks people to volunteer their time to help with election integrity research. “It was truly a grassroots effort,” said Harris.

During a Dec. 29 interview with HUB radio Phoenix, Harris explained how she decided to “take a look at a list of people over the age of ninety” from the state of Arizona to verify whether they voted. While her initial list was a small one, she found that about one-third of those on the list were indeed deceased. She then requested a bigger list.

Initially, she found that while there were deceased voters who had “voted,” it wasn’t a large enough number to make a difference. However, as she looked through the list, she noticed that “one out of five people didn’t exist in Arizona or the National Database couldn’t even find a record of them.” She then asked mathematician and investment advisor, Bobby Piton, to review the list. According to Harris, he found “irregularities and abnormalities in [the] voter rolls that were just stunning.” He found about 120,000 to 306,000 “fake people” on the rolls. read more

8 Comments on Liz Harris Activates Over 800 Volunteers To Protect Election Integrity

  1. So what’s ya gonna do about it? Who’s gonna take the perp walks? Will the voter roles be purged?

    I think we all have a pretty good idea.

    I’ve contended for a long time that in actuality we are no where near a 50/50 country. If the truth of the extent of voter fraud was ever revealed, which it will most definitely not be…probably nothing would be done.

    What was I thinking?

  2. STOP!!!!!! Calling them Republicans and Democrats. There is no such thing. NOW HEAR THIS!!! There is ONE party. A party made up of mere mortals who operate under the belief that they are our superiors. Who believe they know what is best for us. Who maintained their control for generations by selling us the Two-Party Myth.
    Have you ever wondered what would happen if We the People decided one day to take away their power by not subscribing to their nonsense? If we defiantly ignored their perceived power? If we stopped playing their game?
    Well, We the People WILL NEVER FIND OUT if we continue to believe there are two parties. If we continue to condemn ourselves to the yoke of Political Tribalism. If we continue to fight a useless struggle of Democrat vs. Republican.
    The time for We the People to pull our heads out is upon us. I do not know about anyone else, but I will NOT continue this charade. The enemy is NOT OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT, it is the people that OCCUPY OUR GOVERNMENT.


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