Liz Warren Begs Supporters To Make Up Fundraising Shortfall – IOTW Report

Liz Warren Begs Supporters To Make Up Fundraising Shortfall


The Elizabeth Warren presidential campaign sounded the fundraising alarm on Friday, telling supporters in a mass email that the Democratic Massachusetts senator’s campaign donations were down around 30 percent from the last quarter.

“So far this quarter, [the Warren campaign has] raised over $17 million. That’s a good chunk behind where we were at this time last quarter,” the letter said.

Adding that “Elizabeth Warren needs your help,” the letter says the campaign is looking to raise an additional $3 million before the year ends. More

20 Comments on Liz Warren Begs Supporters To Make Up Fundraising Shortfall

  1. Oh. Poor Liz.

    Will you reach deep into your wallets to
    save this poor waif’s quest to become your next socialist president?

    These people should wear armbands with swastikas or hammer and sickels. Something truthful.

    Please. Be honest.

    Yeah. Not bloody likely.

  2. ..maybe she should go tge Oral Roberts route, but I’m not sure where a liberal would be taken up to, or by whom…

    “I desperately need you to come into agreement with me concerning my life being extended beyond March,” states a fund-raising letter signed by Roberts.

    “…God said, ‘I want you to use the ORU medical school to put My medical presence in the earth. I want you to get this going in one year or I will call you home!’”

    …it got HIM 8 million, and Liz only wants less than half…I think she’s worth it just for the constant cringe, if nothing else…

  3. Another question for liberals.

    If you’re all LGBTQWERTY, why do you draw a line in the sand on abortion? Labeling it “women’s health”?

    If your women are all yodeling in the canyon and your men are bobbing on the baloney, and the transconfused can’t figure out how to screw in a lightbulb, why do you give a shit about abortion rights?

    You people have inadequately developed brains.


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