Liz Warren Buys Lemonade, Kids Donate The Money To MARCH FOR LIFE – IOTW Report

Liz Warren Buys Lemonade, Kids Donate The Money To MARCH FOR LIFE

The Federalist

During a pit stop in Iowa, Elizabeth Warren stopped by a lemonade stand run by two 11-year-old girls.

“Stopped for a quick drink at a lemonade stand in Harlan, Iowa. When life gives you lemons, make big structural change!” Warren tweeted.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Warren paid 11-year-olds Sienna Michels and Audrey Billings $7 for seven cups of lemonade and donated $3 to the girls.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that while at the lemonade stand, Warren urged Michels and Billings to tell their parents to vote for her. They were excited to meet a 2020 presidential candidate and told their parents to vote for Warren.

Michels’ parents were quick to explain Warren’s stance on abortion and why it was against their family’s values. The parents and girls came to the conclusion that it was best to donate the money to the March for Life Education and Defense Fund. More

18 Comments on Liz Warren Buys Lemonade, Kids Donate The Money To MARCH FOR LIFE

  1. $10 for 7 cups? Shit, my kid charges 25 cents and gets 15 bucks, $5 each, for 3 cups from the mexican landscaping crew, Tachos. I think that’s pronounced Tacos.

    The girls overcharge to make up for their underpayment indignation. That makes them less money in the end. Besides, Liz could have “donated” $8.25 if the girls charged 25 cents.

  2. Warning: stream of consciousness ahead!

    Democrat pols are going straight for the kids this cycle. It makes total sense to pander to the kids of people who elevated their offspring to omniscient oracles. It makes complete and total sense to craft your policy messages for the children of people who abdicated any right to objective truth in the search for “their” (evolving, relativistic) truth. After all, to those voting parents of precocious babies, why shouldn’t a twelve or sixteen year-old hold the key to life’s most difficult questions and unfathomable mysteries? They are so pure, so wholly untouched by the pretzel logic their parents have given up trying to understand. “Islam is right about women” just proved that, didn’t it?

    When you’ve created such a snarled up mess of contradictions, a string of social movements based on outright lies; when you’ve twisted your life and lifestyle up, over, around and through a series of virtue-signalling knotholes fed to you by the latest victim group, and when every decision you must make has you doing a Google search on what the majority of your set is thinking and doing in similar circumstances, isn’t it time to just give up and forfeit your right to decide? Isn’t it time to call in the experts, the children?

    I know everything written above sounds sarcastic, but here’s the irony: children are naturally, developmentally wired to engage in magical thinking, pathological narcissism, selfishness and, if unbounded, terrible cruelty. Here’s something else: the Left start from the position that people are born good and it is society — oppression, racism, inequality of outcome, the patriarchy — that make them bad. Conservatives, on the other hand, believe that humanity fell from Grace, and while fallen creatures are capable of good things, our natural default is to be the craven sinners we’d like to be when no one is looking. Conservatives believe in the fear of God (wisdom) keeping us in check and responsible to each other.

    It follows, then, that Leftists assume the closer you are to having been born — a child — the closer you are to all that goodness that comes into the world with you, and the less time our evil society has been acting on your psyche and making you do bad things. In fact there are several films depicting the poor child admonishing the adults in their lives — begging and pleading with them — to not make them mad because “You won’t like it when I get angry!”

    It occurs to me that Leftist pols may have actually figured this one out. Bypass the convoluted, quivering mess of confusion and hesitation exhibited by their formerly predictable and mindlessly loyal voting blocs and go straight for the arbiters, the wellspring, of all that is good, true and beautiful — the children. These special founts of all-knowingness will lead their voting parents out of the dark.


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