Liz Warren Reportedly Horse -Trading With Both Biden and Bernie Camps – IOTW Report

Liz Warren Reportedly Horse -Trading With Both Biden and Bernie Camps

Conservative Treehouse

According to recent reporting Elizabeth Warren is in negotiations with Bernie Sanders and with Joe Biden about her future in the race, her scripted departure, and which campaign can provide the best incentives for her endorsement.

The fact that Senator Warren is negotiating with both Bernie and Biden teams only highlights the reality of her inauthentic nature.

Warren’s inauthenticity was painfully obvious as she became more desperate and started pandering to ever-smaller groups of constituents, ultimately culminating in her political promise to allow a transgendered 9-year old grade-school student to select her cabinet. According to recent reporting Elizabeth Warren is in negotiations with Bernie Sanders and with Joe Biden about her future in the race, her scripted departure, and which campaign can provide the best incentives for her endorsement.  More

20 Comments on Liz Warren Reportedly Horse -Trading With Both Biden and Bernie Camps

  1. “If Senator Elizabeth Warren takes the Bloomberg cash and endorses Joe Biden she will lose any/all progressive credibility…”

    Unless she signs an NDA with Mini-Mike. Then nobody will ever know.

  2. Mini mike still has a big pile of cash available to help any dimmocrap trying to defeat Trump. Come on Mikey, ante up. It’s for the cause ya know. I love to see Blunderbust waste some more cash.

  3. She already is in Biden’s camp, she helped him Tuesday. Every decision this woman has ever made has to do with the cash. This is a woman that can with good conscious take a $430,000 plus salary for teaching a course knowing it is being paid via student loans that her students will be paying off for 30 years. And since she came in third in MA she’d be signing her death warrant going with Bernie. She needs the establishment, she doesn’t have the Bernie Bros.

  4. MJA, you raise a great point. When Hillary was brushed aside for the articulate and clean Barack Obama, Bill stepped in to negotiate a solution. Secretary of State AND a lot of campaign debt retired by the Obama machine. You gotta wonder what Lizzie is bargaining for and what exactly she has to bargain with.


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