Liz Warren Staffer Asks Historically Black College For ‘Audience Demographics’ Ahead Of Speech – IOTW Report

Liz Warren Staffer Asks Historically Black College For ‘Audience Demographics’ Ahead Of Speech

Daily Caller: The office of Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren appears to have been unaware she was set to speak at a historically black university last month when a staffer asked the school to provide the “demographics” of the graduating class.

“Would you be available sometime today or tomorrow to discuss a few details about the ceremony?” Christopher Huntley, a speechwriter for Warren, asked in an email addressed to Larry Jones of Morgan State University that was obtained by The Daily Caller. “It would be helpful to get a better understanding of audience demographics and the makeup of the graduating class in addition to any unique messages that will be associated with this year’s ceremony.” more here

16 Comments on Liz Warren Staffer Asks Historically Black College For ‘Audience Demographics’ Ahead Of Speech

  1. Now WHY would he be asking that? Even if the college isn’t 100% black, why ask that question of a “predominately black college”? Does she need to know which brand of hot sauce to whip out in the middle of the lecture? That’s so hillary.

  2. Pander Bear approves asking this question in advance.

    She’ll post a Twitter video of her grabbing a Schlitz malt liquor out of the fridge and pouring some on the brazilian hardwoods of her kitchen floor in memory of her dead homies.

    Just like normal folk.

  3. Liz, first order of business. Hot sauce in the purse, lotsa hot sauce. Liz was here in town last night (Columbia SC) but none of our operatives saw her at any of the fine craft breweries we have here.

  4. She didn’t want to make the traditional Cherokee “honky,” “nigger,” or “spic” jokes.

    Cherokee kept slaves of any race – black, white, brown – made no difference.
    (the only reason they had no chink slaves is because they couldn’t find any)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “Most colleges (except pure engineering schools) are around 55-60% female these days. No real need to ask that question, either.”

    Exactly. The fact that she would have a Canary go to the coal mine shows Liz doesn’t think she can sell herself and doesn’t know how to behave around other ‘tribes’. LOL. She’s going in there loaded with platitudes and victim talk. Whereas Trump never had to. People don’t want to be talk-down to. It’s America first. Not (Blank)American first.


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