Lizards “Re-evolve” Trait, Defying Evolution’s “Golden Rule” – IOTW Report

Lizards “Re-evolve” Trait, Defying Evolution’s “Golden Rule”

It is thought among evolutionary biologists that once a species has evolved from one trait to another it’s very unlikely to ever “re-evolve” back to the original trait. The corollary to the theory seemed so certain that some took to calling it a “golden rule” of evolution.

Then scientists discovered a family of lizards living in the Andean mountains of South America who gained the trait of live birth when high up in the colder climate of the mountains, but re-evolved back to egg laying when the species returned to warmer, lower altitudes. A feat of nature no mammal has ever accomplished. More

29 Comments on Lizards “Re-evolve” Trait, Defying Evolution’s “Golden Rule”

  1. the ‘evolutionary biologists’ should study that subspecies of homo sapiens colloquially known as ‘progressives’ & try to understand why they fanatically work like ants to devolve mankind to the Dark Age period in human history
    … just a suggestion

  2. Lowell is correct. Also, “very unlikely” does not mean the same thing as impossible. IMHO anyone tossing the term “golden rule of” around lightly in Science is setting themselves up for ridicule when something like this is discovered.

  3. @Rick

    No, not “exactly”.

    So did they evolve to a different species? Or remain the same species? To prove they evolved, show where and what came first, the live young bearing lizards up in the mountains or the egg-laying ones down lower.

    Then, trace the differences to mutations and natural selection occurrences. Give it a shot, angry man. You could win the Nobel Prize for Creativity.

  4. It was once explained to me that as far as anyone knows not a single “evolving” kind has ever been discovered or observed. Ever. Not one.

    You’d think that if there was evolution — Darwin’s *theory* — there would be vast amounts of evidence showing one kind of thing evolving into another kind of thing. A bird is always a bird, whether it’s blue or green. A rabbit is a rabbit, whether it has long ears or short ears. But an ape doesn’t turn into a human.

  5. isn’t the proper verb “devolve?”…

    you can’t “re-evolve,” as far as i know…since once you have “evolved,” …..there you are……you can continue to evolve, or go backwards….which is “devolving”……

    but what do i know….i’m just a third degree genius with a near eidetic memory……

    as i understand this situation……when they are cold, they do the “live birth” thing, keeping the kids warm, and when they are safely warm, they don’t need to keep the kids warm…….probably has been going on for millenia, it’s just we finally noticed, so it’s BIG NEWS…….

  6. isn’t the proper verb “devolve?”…

    you can’t “re-evolve,” as far as i know…since once you have “evolved,” …..there you are……you can continue to evolve, or go backwards….which is “devolving”……

    but what do i know….i’m just a third degree genius with a near eidetic memory……

  7. Here’s the problem. Layed eggs are subject to the place they were left at. (see alligators and crocs laying eggs in nests that may have some fermenting/heat properties). If your leave your potential offspring where the temperature can have serious effects, as opposed to taking your kids with you to a more suitable temp/habitat.
    What was the question?

  8. Here’s the problem. Layed eggs are subject to the place they were left at. (see alligators and crocs laying eggs in nests that may have some fermenting/heat properties). If you leave your potential offspring where the temperature can have serious effects, as opposed to taking your kids with you to a more suitable temp/habitat.
    But then, reptiles are cold blooded. If they’re cold, take them inside…snark…but there it is.
    What was the question?

  9. Anonymous at 10:48pm AND at 10:40pm

    It appears you’ve ‘forgotten’ you duplicated the same post at 10:48pm that you originally posted eight minutes earlier at 10:40pm.

    Is it possible you may be devolving from a third degree genius with a near eidetic memory, to a second degree genius with so-so recall?

    If you start laying eggs I’ll assume you have.

  10. @Rick

    Every statement you make is trite. You need to evolve.

    Re. evolution: it’s no longer 1849 or even 1995. Darwinism has had its nose rubbed in dogshit, especially since the 1990’s.

  11. Sure Tim, whatever you say. To be honest I find it delightful that I’m living in your little pointed head rent free. Talk about an angry person. You personify it asshole. You have yourself a pleasant day precious.

  12. @Rick

    Hey Rick, old friend. Do you have steam coming out of your ears? Do you have an ulcer? Do you beat your head against the wall? Do you punch yourself? Do you scream at trains when they go by?

    Getting mellow is a goal worth reaching. A quart of whisky every evening before bedtime could be the ticket for what ails ya.

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