Load of Polystyrene Ignites – IOTW Report

Load of Polystyrene Ignites

21 Comments on Load of Polystyrene Ignites

  1. It would’ve been better by not playing 500 miles as background music. Kumbaya, I hate that song. And why didn’t this moron not detach that tractor trailer from its load of burning polystyrene and drive it off thus avoiding that huge fire. They must not have any safety regulations in whatever turd world shithole that this video came from.

  2. There’s a line between where you can fight a fire yourself and where you need help, but its just seconds before that line is crossed.

    I seen a few times where a house was lost because someone thought the garden hose would get ‘er done. Since I knew about them by dint of arriving on a large red vehicle in company with other large red vehicles and a couple dozen guys, this suggests they miscalculated slightly.

    Best practice is call for help immediately, THEN fight the fire. At least help is STARTED in case the situation runs away and you don’t have time later. Its better to send the FD away not needed than to need them and they only find out from the plume of thick toxic smoke on the horizon.

    Since the guy knew about it, I’m guessing he stacked his truck too high and intersected a power line, so extra hazard there. That smoke is lethal too, so the risk to himself and the neighborhood is greater from that. Gotta go with Geoff here, probably best if he cut his losses and pull the tractor away so you at least don’t add a diesel fueled vehicle fire to the pile…

  3. We had a major house fire a block away from my house a few years ago where some dumbass obvious meth heads put their barbecue grill too close to some propane tanks and the next thing you know that house exploded in flames and burned completely to the ground within 10 minutes or so. Fortunately, the nearest fire station is only a minute or two away and they were there almost immediately, but the house was totally engulfed in flames and a total loss, luckily none of the idiots that lived there were hurt. The whole neighborhood was in my front yard and on the street in front of my house watching them put out that fire. Now where that house was is an empty lot which we suspect there still may have some illegal activities going on, the cops have kept an eye on a lot of suspicious cars, a motorhome parked on the street next to where the house used to be and just some shady looking people hanging around there at all hours of the day and night.

  4. geoff the aardvark
    AT 10:53 AM

    Meth production is a real problem as its pretty poorly controlled and uses very volitile chemicals. It stinks like the worst cat pee ever too, so many times they tape the windows even in summer to try to keep from being caught by smell. This helps concentrate the volitile compounds too, sometimes making for truly epic deflagrating explosions, especially once you throw in all the stolen propane tanks they use for cooking. Put this near or in a multi-unit dwelling and now it’s a mass casualty incident as well. These can be very nasty to enter, what with the unknown toxic chemicals, unknown volitile compounds, known flammable tanks, and potential booby traps that someone may have guarded the production facility with, so this can quickly devolve into surround and drown with exposure protection, shelter-in-place, or even evacuation at the discretion of the Chief as this can be pretty damn toxic…

  5. Driving home on I-90 late at night from Livingston Montana. I’m just west of Moses and the median is on fire, and I see another fire about a half mile ahead. It is on the right solder and both to big for me to deal with with just a shovel and a wet blanket, which I didn’t have a wool blanket w/me anyway. Shit there are two more going in the median ahead of me and then another on the right shoulder and when I pass them I can see a dozen more. I keep going and see a big fire ahead just east of George and it looks like it’s blocking the interstate.

    The driver threw a lit ciggy out the window and it was caught in the load of hay he was hauling and the oxygen was being poured to it at 60 or 70 MPH. How the hell he could be so oblivious is beyond me. I helped him get the tractor unhooked from fifth wheel and away from what was left of the trailers, both of which were going strong at that point. It must have started small and been blown to the rear, but once he stopped it was back burning towards the front of the lead trailer.

    My guess is the driver in this one was trying to save the truck from going up.

  6. There is nothing like throwing out a lit cigarette along I 90 out in the Columbia basin by Moses Lake and George, Wash. in all that dry sage brush. The worst is going down the hill Eastbound towards Vantage on the Columbia River and getting stuck in completely stopped traffic because of a brush fire in all that sage brush which has happened to me a couple of times. The only way back is to go back towards Kittitas and down the old highway to Vantage or one time I had to go all the way back to Yakima and cut across towards Hanford and up thru Othello.

  7. @ geoff the aardvark AT 11:52 AM

    There was a geezer talking about the history of that stretch of roadway and I asked if he remembered that there was a water spigot about every 400 feet on the westbound side when it was a two lane road. I remember cars boiling over and pulled off to add water to their radiator back in the day.

    He was supposedly WSDOT’s expert lifelong resident of the area. We were moving our RV from Sunland to Eburg for rodeo and Kittitas County Fair Week last year and the median was on fire. Not uncommon, but unless you see it early enough to get off at Vantage and take the old road you might have to wait it out. It pretty much depends on who is directing the operation. Get the right guy in charge and they keep traffic moving.

  8. Couple of years ago, on I-5 near Redding, CA, huge column of thick black smoke up ahead. It was a semi truck/trailer totally engulfed. Was a Reeser’s Salami truck. Major grease fire.

  9. The blond called 911 because her house was on fire. The operator tried multiple times to get the address. Finally, the operator told her, “Ma’am, if you don’t tell us how to get there we can’t help you”. The woman replied, “big red truck, duh!”

    I open next weekend. Tickets on sale now.


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