The commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education (DOE) responded Thursday in a press statement to the concerns of some parents who reported their children taking the recent SAT test were requested to write an essay on an excerpt from a 2014 op-ed by current presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
“The column in question was probably a poor choice, in hindsight,” said Commissioner Frank Edelblut. “However, it doesn’t affect the ability of students to be able to read and process the concept of the piece and whether or not the author made a persuadable argument — which is the purpose of the essay in the first place.” More
Read Sander’s Op-Ed and decide for yourself if your analysis of the piece would please SAT reviewers. Here
But what about the millionaire and billionaire postal workers that populate this nepotistic institution? Shouldn’t they be made to pay their fair share?
Commissioner Edelblut of the New Hampshire Department of Education needs a remedial English class focusing on usage. The use of the word persuadable to mean “persuasive” has long been obsolete: the most recent quotation in the OED illustrating the old meaning is dated 1530.
So did a little research. Average % of payroll for govt is about 10%. USPS has a total payroll around 50b and then add other compensation. So funding 5b seems like a normal requirement
Commissioner Frank Edelblut,,,
Any chance of his financial records being pulled?
There are few things that mark how far we’ve fallen like the fact that this dandruff-flake is a POTUS contender.
And if the DOE commissioner has to rely on “hindsight” instead of a little “foresight”, they ought to get someone else to run NH’s DOE.
End is fucking near.
Bernie the dandruff flake.
I bet the rumpled little shit is worse than a single flake. When he shakes his head, it probably resembles a snow storm.