The state of California has the unique ability to produce and shelter delusional people.
You could walk through the streets of Hollywood, throw a nickel over your shoulder, and land a direct hit on a self-proclaimed influencer who’s either delusional enough to think they are the next Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman or are themselves Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman.
The same goes for politics. For whatever reason, and maybe it’s because California is an insulated, one-party state where its federal lawmakers face virtually no resistance from Republicans, the Golden State always manages to deliver national Democratic figures who are wholly disconnected from reality, let alone their fellow Americans.
Former Democratic California Rep. Katie Porter is one such person.
On Tuesday, Porter announced her bid to succeed Governor Gavin Newsom, framing her entire campaign as a Resistance fight between her state and President Donald Trump’s administration. more here
One of the many pernicious side effects Democrats have orchestrated on the people is the complete obliteration of common language. To wit, “Awful” used to mean something, but today, there are degradations of awful, and depending on the user, awful may actually be a good thing.
Yes, Porter is awful in every negative sense of the word, including to look at. What a mess.
But assuming a Republican can’t win in this state (jury still out) and we are stuck with awful, Porter would be a better choice than Harris.
I’d like someone like JD Vance to clean up this craphole but it’s never going to happen. It just gets worse.
You could not even place Porter in charge of running a CAT HOUSE properly.
Her name sounds very much like the Congresswoman who was into posting photographs of herself naked and engaged in threesomes on Instagram. But seeing this one’s photograph, if it is the same person, she has “chunked up” in the last few years.
Her name should be Katie Porter-House…..She so fat that when she walks around the house, she REALLY walks around the house…
The 28 to 40 year old Libtards, eating cheetos and living in moms basement seem to prefer Portly over Kammi. They seem to feel she’s responsible for that bad orange man being in the White House. I am now of the opinion the only way California goes red during the midterms is if Trump can some how get voter reform passed. And I don’t think he can do it with an EO. It would get wrapped up in the courts for ever.
She’s leading the resistance to….dieting.
I’m a’ guessin’ nobody ever said “We should Trim The Fat in Government” in a meeting when she was present.