Logan’s Video – IOTW Report

Logan’s Video

Kid reads youtube comments made about him on his videos.



Click the kid to see him reading some brutal comments. (Here is the video that people made fun of.)
Screen Shot 2015-07-11 at 7.37.02 PM

15 Comments on Logan’s Video

  1. Hey Logan, last laughs on them buddy. I’m a great judge of body type. I really am. Mesomorph, Ectomorph, Endomorph, what ever. And then there’s freak like Logan that can walk into a gym and gain 20 pounds of muscle. I’ve seen guys like this before. Hang in there buddy< God has a plan for you.

  2. I’ve never tried any meds but may start. Hubby’s got Benadryl from when he got bee stings, never thought of taking it for sleep. Thanks! Im going to try it.

  3. Count sheep. If that don’t work, call a relative in the middle of the night and tell him or her how you really feel about him or her; after he or she cusses the hell out of you and call you names that you never knew existed, you’ll need a drink. Make that a couple of drinks. Before you know it, you’ll be passed out drunk. How’s that?

  4. Farmwife better than NPR, listen to Coast to coast AM late at night with all the wackos calling in about aliens, and alien abductions and every kind of conspiracy theory. Or worse watch an episode of Cosmos with Carl Pagan, it always put me to sleep.

  5. Last nights coast-to-coast was about weed. It got boring really fast and I fell asleep. Then I woke up to use the bathroom, listened some more and fell back to sleep. Beats taking meds. Out of all of them melatonin is the best, you won’t wake up groggy.

    As for Logan, he’ll make it through life okay if he quits reading crap about himself. It’s the same as beating up on yourself. Quit worrying about what others are saying about you, they do not own your mind unless you allow them in.

  6. Kid shouldn’t read that garbage and the old man outta stay out of the bathroom when the kid’s showering.

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