It doesn’t look difficult for him to take off, after all, he’s the one that put it on.
16 Comments on LOL- Bodycam Footage of Smollett and his Noose
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It doesn’t look difficult for him to take off, after all, he’s the one that put it on.
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Now his mother will know 100% what kind of man child she has in him.
They got to him just before he could pull a David Carradine?
LOL, he’s still wearing it when the PO’LICE show up…..nice touch Juicy.
Too bad the noose didnt stangle him/her.
If you go to OJ’s home he’s wearing bloody gloves as well…
what a talent he is,,,
Haa! I do know how to serve rope. Had I served his rope he would be blue, dead, and fucking dead. Eyes flopped out, tongue flopped out, and fucking dead.
But I don’t care about him even a little bit. He would never be served my rope. I pick up lumber, wood, and shit. Never this fucking louse. I’ve picked up five dollar shit — but this guy isn’t worth even a silver quarter.
Juicey gave his all for the Deep State in the stupidest way possible. LOLOLOL!
Jussie, where your tuna sammich?
Oh I know, he gave it to the poor migrant child he tripped over when fleeing for his life. You know, the one who broke free of Trump’s cage and crawled all the way to Chicago…during a polar vortex.
Hilary, Lerner, Holder, Kosinigen (sp), Comey, Schiff, Obama, Lynch, Rosenstein, DWS, Smollett, and illegal aliens all have the same thing in common. Committed provable crimes with no consequences, It’s no wonder there’s an epidemic of ot.
The FBI profilers automatically assume a serial killer is a gay white male until proven otherwise. (Andrew Cunanan)
If they can somehow justify gay sex and getting AIDS, there is nothing these people can do that will surprise me.
The biggest crime was not prosecuting him.
This Lionel guy’s take on the Juicy case is hilarious. “You give me $3500, I’ll beat you for real!”
I know how to tie a Hangman’s Noose, and THAT ain’t no noose! It’s a skein of clothesline with one loop pulled out to go around his head. And prolly 20 feet left dangling around his body. DUMB! A kid named Greg taught me how to tie a Hangman’s Noose when I was twelve. Sheesh!
That’s Fake Noose