LOL: CNN Lost ANOTHER 38% Of Viewers in 2021 – IOTW Report

LOL: CNN Lost ANOTHER 38% Of Viewers in 2021

Summit News:

CNN managed a remarkable feat in 2021. The network, currently reeling from a spate of pedophilia related allegations among its staff, succeeded in losing ANOTHER 38 percent of its viewership.

According to Nielsen data, CNN saw the massive drop in weekday prime-time viewership, while MSNBC saw a 25 percent drop in viewership for the same time slots.

The data shows that on average there are 919,000 Americans watching MSNBC, while only 787,000 are still watching CNN.

At this rate the networks will soon be out of business.

At this point, anyone still watching CNN has to be either completely brainwashed or brain dead. The network is now desperately attempting to corral these zombies into paying for its services with subscriptions. more

22 Comments on LOL: CNN Lost ANOTHER 38% Of Viewers in 2021

  1. I wonder how they’re managing to hold on. That station will eventually go away, but it looks like they’re still hanging in there despite all the scandals. Some investors are losing their ass.

  2. Communism doesn’t try to make money, Communism only makes propaganda.

    They will simply take money from us by force if they need to.

    In case you don’t remember Pedo declaring the media as “infrastructure” and therefore worthy of taxpayer money.

    But yeah, the “subscription” or “bundling” thing works too, so their fellow travelers will rig that.

    But don’t forget that most TVs are “smart” now, so Big Brother knows what you’re watching.

    Look for mandates to always have ‘approved news’ on at all times ‘to combat fake news for the gerneral good’ before long…

  3. “But don’t forget that most TVs are “smart” now, so Big Brother knows what you’re watching.”

    I don’t own a TV, but they know where I venture via the internet. They know what I believe, whereas as TV, they don’t know what you’re thinking while you’re viewing. The internet is far more dangerous. JMHO.

  4. The linked article suggests that the drop in viewership is due to the bullshit the news networks are spouting. I think this is probably true. When Trump was in office, CNN et. al could yell “Russia” all they wanted, and when Trump denied this it was a classic “he said/she said” type of case which left some question in viewer’s minds. Now, however, the news networks are trying to cover for Biden and claim he is a great president – but then they show Biden as a stumbling, bumbling fool. There is no need to argue whether or not Biden is mentally and physically incompetent as there is ample video evidence to show what he is, and viewers can make up their own minds.

    CNN will still be around, but like Pravda will evolve to nothing more than an overt mouthpiece for the Democrats that no one believes anymore and which will need government funding to survive.

  5. I find it so hilarious that with any article about the drop in viewership for any member of the Democrat Media Mafia the comments below are almost 100% supporting the demise of the media outlet.
    I can’t think of any other industry where vast numbers of Americans are actively rooting for the companies to actually go out of business. Maybe now the NFL or NBA.


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