lol- It’s racist to “Be On Time” – IOTW Report

lol- It’s racist to “Be On Time”

When are reasonable blacks going to be offended enough to revolt against black morons?

It used to be offensive to cast aspersions upon blacks by perpetuating stereotypes that blacks felt were unwarranted.

It’s a new environment folks. Modern progressive blacks seem to have abandoned trying to deny stereotypes and have validated them by saying it’s racist to expect blacks to perform basic societal functions, like being on time.

What else is racist? Taking care of your kids? Working? Getting up before noon? Will it be racist to have never performed a drive-by?

This is absurd.

Progressive blacks are the ones making it difficult to be black with these assholish proclamations.

More at Daily Wire

39 Comments on lol- It’s racist to “Be On Time”

  1. I’m sorry. I didn’t understand a single word of that video clip. OK. I did understand the individual words, but I didn’t understand the sentences or what was being said.
    What planet or even continent are these people from?

    Learn to convey thoughts you babbling baboons.

  2. Apollo 13 performed a very specific 14 second burn to course correct and not burn up in the atmosphere or skip off into space in 1970. Give or take a few minutes eh?

  3. Can we press on?

    Ohhh so you want to make it a 6 hour meeting? Maybe serve refreshments? Take a nap? draw mustaches on the people who fell asleep? or do you just wanna do your fucking jobs and then move on to other WORK?

  4. Does she know south africa was created out of the jungle by whites? Does she want to compare crime rates before and after black rule? And white SA farmers may have a different point of view.

  5. I listened to it and it sounded like she was saying that black people don’t take anything serious enough to show up on time and if they show up late she expects everybody else to sit through a rehash of what has already happened.

    Typical leftist arrogance. They value nobody’s time except their own and they expect everyone else to indulge them in their pathologies.

    There is NOTHING more disrespectful than a person who habitually shows up late. I had a girlfriend once and after doing a thorough and exhaustive analysis of the dynamic in play I concluded that this is a classic control move. It is designed to let you know where you stand in a relationship and gauge your willingness to submit to abuse. Stay around and it will get worse, much worse.

    I got out of that relationship and none too soon. It was a valuable experience in as much as it taught me a valuable lesson in how manipulative people set up the hierarchy in any relationship.

  6. FWIW, this also applies to government agencies who either leave you on hold or make you spend a ridiculous amount of getting through their phone tree prior to speaking to a real person. It is manipulative and abusive and they know it. By the way if you want to avoid that at the IRS here is the code

    It can take a half hour to get through all of the messages. This will get you there in about a minute

    Here’s how to “hack” the automated system so that a real person will answer:
    The IRS telephone number is 1-800-829-1040. They are available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    Bloggers said the best time to call is in the early morning hours.
    The first question the automated system will ask you is to choose your language.

    Once you’ve set your language, do NOT choose Option 1 (regarding refund info). Choose option 2 for “Personal Income Tax” instead.
    Next, press 1 for “form, tax history, or payment.”
    Next, press 3 “for all other questions.”
    Next, press 2 “for all other questions.”
    When the system asks you to enter your SSN or EIN to access your account information, do NOT enter anything.
    After it asks twice, you will be prompted with another menu.
    Press 2 for personal or individual tax questions.
    Finally, press 3 for all other inquiries. The system should then transfer you to an agent.

  7. If I didn’t show up to work on time more than once or twice I can guarantee that I would be out of a job pronto. Race has nothing to do with it, it’s all about do you want to work or not. And then blame whitey because it’s all his fault in the first place. Whatever happened to commonsense or is commonsense racist as well?

  8. So the dictates of common courtesy involving punctuality and respect for the time of others exempt blacks because they don’t give a shit culturally.

    In my world for 34 years time on target meant the difference between life and death, but what the hell let’s just be late to drop a bomb, shoot a missle, or fire a projo..what’s the worst that could happen?

    I’m sure the enemy could catch us all up on the result of our lazy ass cultural tardiness…

  9. So when a black convicted murderer has a time set for his execution, the death warrant will read, “Execution to commence around noon sometime”. Would that make her happy?

  10. “If we were in South Africa…” Well, bitch, you ain’t in South Africa. Pretty sure there are planes leaving for South Africa daily. If you don’t like how things are done here, get on one of those planes.

  11. When her pay doesn’t show up in her account when it’s supposed to,
    When the EBT benefits don’t arrive,
    When the Dominos delivery is late,
    When the McNuggets don’t come out the drive-through window,

    You better believe punctuality matters.

  12. I am never late to anything. Ever.

    I also don’t park on yellow or red curbs.

    I can’t say the same for the multitudes of blacks, who are intentional scofflaws. That is simply an observation. If I saw it once I saw it a thousand times.

  13. Yeah, Clocks make the difference. We are living in the industrial/technical age. Exactness is a critical aspect of the success of capitalism – in most cases, profits that must be earned. Precisely, what the left is attacking.
    So they come up with this cacamamy back to Africa before colonization crap, which South Africa doesn’t even practice anymore – currently.

    The exact time didn’t matter in a agrarian society. You could show up late to tribal council and nobody cared.

    She’s a hypocritical moron. Bet she wigs out when one of her Amazon deliveries shows up late.

    BTW, She’s probably never been to South Africa, and because she’s a black American her “brothers and sisters” in South Africa would target her to be robbed because she’s a “rich” American. Her race baiting would mean nothing in South Africa. They’ve run off most of the guilt ridden white progressives.

    This kind of foolishness is obviously a waste of time. The left will try anything to push they’re evil agenda.

  14. If everything else is being labeled as racist. This does not surprise me.
    Here is a partial list of what was labeled as racist, I read in articles.
    Classical Music
    Drinking coffee
    Owning a dog
    Walking your dog
    Going on diet, fighting obesity
    Getting vaccinated
    Being a successful small business owner
    Telling someone they are articulate
    Asking someone where they are from
    Cold weather
    “climate change”
    Winter olympics
    Solar eclipse
    Hoop earrings
    Quoting Beyonce’s lyrics
    Dr. Seuss
    Taco Bell not serving fries
    Lowering taxes
    The NBA draft
    Bulletproof glass
    Saying ethnic food
    Abbreviating the word guacamole
    Property taxes
    School grades
    Not renting your property to criminals
    Criminal background checks.
    School discipline
    iPhone face recognition
    Twitter photo algorithm
    SAT tests
    Military camouflage
    Electronic music
    The OK sign
    Defeating a team that happens to have a black quarter back during black history month
    Porn actresses
    The nuclear family
    Jingle Bells
    Lucky Charms
    Deporting illegal aliens who committed crimes
    Pumpkin spice lattes
    Celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
    The Betsy Ross flag
    The Gadsden flag
    The American flag
    The National Anthem
    Mount Rushmore
    Pepe the frog
    Star wars
    The Oscars

    To Kill A Mockingbird


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