LOL- Lady Antebellum’s new ‘woke’ name already belongs to a black blues singer – IOTW Report

LOL- Lady Antebellum’s new ‘woke’ name already belongs to a black blues singer



Guess what happens when you overreact to the mob and make a decision based completely on proving how much you CARE … you pick a new name for your band that appropriates the name of a black, blues singer who you didn’t bother to reach out to beforehand.

Awkward and oopsie.

Blues singer lambasts Lady Antebellum’s name change, says she’s been Lady A for 20 years

USA Today- Seattle-based blues singer Lady A, who is Black, blasted the country group in an Instagram post, saying: “How can you say Black Lives Matter and put your knee on the neck of another Black artist? I’m not mad..I am however not giving up my name, my brand I worked hard for. #GodWillFightMyBattle #TheRealLadyA #LadyABluesSoulFunkGospelArtist #TheTruthIsLoud”

She told Rolling Stone no one from the group — featuring members Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood — reached out to her prior to revealing the name change.

“This is my life,” she told the magazine. “Lady A is my brand, I’ve used it for over 20 years, and I’m proud of what I’ve done. This is too much right now.”

~~~~ Snip

Seattle based?

Oh well, your name has been stolen. CHAZ!

ht/ woody

49 Comments on LOL- Lady Antebellum’s new ‘woke’ name already belongs to a black blues singer

  1. ‘Lady A’? … sounds like it’s related to ‘Chablis, ‘The Doll’ in ‘Midnight In The Garden Of Good & Evil’

    (boy, was Kevin Spacey type-cast in that movie, or what?)

  2. …it doesn’t matter what they call themselves. Their former fans have already named them, but it would look weird for a supposedly “country” act to write stuff like THAT on a non-rap album cover…

  3. …how ’bout call them CLEARANCE?

    …’cause that’s what the bin all their non-selling albums will be chucked into says on it ANYWAY, might as well roll with it…

  4. The woman in the Trio is Linda Davis’ daughter who had hits in both country and Christian Contemporary music. Very good singer and very nice looking.

    Not my type of music, but at least it tries to send a good message instead of killing people.

    Hillary Scott also did a lot of Christian music and was a main personality on some children’s shows earlier in her career.

    I’m not interested enough in looking into the other members but they also seem like decent people. They had nothing to apologize for and now they look like jackasses to anyone who would have listened to their music in order to appease the type of filth that would never would have.

    Too bad. I have a Blu Ray of theirs and they should just “SHUT UP AND SING!”

    So many concerts I no longer watch because the entertainer had to get politically correct and factually incorrect!

  5. @Rick – no more than Taylor Swift. The “country” label is a means to an audience, and nothing more.

    The band has actually been referred to as Lady A for quite some time. It’s when they tried to incorporate it that things got a little sticky. They might want to consider a new attorney.

  6. ….Plus, on a recent trip through a large part of rural Kansas, Eastern Colorado and the Denver area, There is no longer a good country radio station….gone, doesn’t exist, zero, nada, nothing….and I was lookin….

  7. There’s Lady Antipasti
    Lady Antifreeze
    Lady Potatee
    Lady Euphrates
    Lady Slim Shady
    Lady Tomatee
    Lady Carbonaty
    Lady ain’t that Greaty
    Lady somethin’-somethin’ ain’t no sammich when she’s gone

  8. @LCD – you are correct. They all come from wealthy families, which helps when you are trying to make it in the music biz. Of course, writing and performing good songs helps as well. I saw them in concert 10 years or so ago, and they were very entertaining. I don’t know anything about their music since then.

    They are playing at the Grand Ol Opry next week with Brad Paisley (tv only – no live audience). it should be a good show.

  9. Do these people not know how to Google a name to see if it’s taken?!!
    Or, how to check the WhoIs on GoDaddy to see if another company owns the domain?

  10. What was the name of that other Female singing group that went far left in pandering? An LOST ALL ITS popularity?

    Any one still listen to the Dixie Chicks after they attacked the USA for the Iraqi War? Can you say NOSE DIVE IN RECORD SELLS? ….

  11. Lady Appease the Left are progressive elite, Bush clan types. Their Christianity is looking very pukey – Revelation 3:14-19. Doesn’t matter that they’re talented, if they’re insufferable SJW.


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