lol- Unhinged young girl wishes she was aborted – IOTW Report

lol- Unhinged young girl wishes she was aborted

What can you say to someone like this?

ht/ c. steven tucker

55 Comments on lol- Unhinged young girl wishes she was aborted

  1. It’s the nihilistic indoctrination of the Left that is scaring young people out of their wits, making them angry about all their manufactured problems (like “global warming”), and giving them no reason to hope. At least two generations of hopeless kids on our hands. Hopeless people do things out of a paranoid sense of desperation and don’t care who they take out with them on their death spiral.

  2. …people who are SERIOUS about suicide just go DO it. It’s not hard.

    …although the drama queens sometimes succeed in accidentally killing themselves ‘on purpose’ when they miscalculate the drop, the dosage, or don’t realize how deadly OTC medicines can REALLY be, especially before N-acetylcysteine came into general use as a therapy for pain remedy OD or they wait too long even AFTER, and, boom, you’re dead kid, your body just hasn’t figured it out yet…

  3. I kinda hope she livestreams herself drinking a charcoal smoothie after her ‘attempt’ consisting of a bottle of vodka and a handful of tylenol. Those are always always always fun to watch people drink. That first sip of charcoal *magical*.

  4. Kcir (2 faced Trudeau)
    SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 12:44 PM
    “She must be a pleasure to take out on a date.”

    …well, if she DOESN’T self-abort soon, a bright future as a brood mother of a half-dozen or so different Black men’s babies awaits her, so SOMEBODY’S going to take (brief) pleasure in her company, just no one who’s gonna stick AROUND after the squirt…

  5. I wonder how many abortions she has had. She got so triggered from seeing a Pro Life billboard, she must be racked with guilt because deep down she knows she murdered her unborn children.

  6. Sapper Chris
    SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 12:50 PM
    “I kinda hope she livestreams herself drinking a charcoal smoothie after her ‘attempt’ consisting of a bottle of vodka and a handful of tylenol.”

    …Charcoal doesn’t detoxify acetaminophen, that’s WHY you need the antagonist I mention above, and better get it down SOON because the survival rate drops the longer you wait…

    …from a hepatic viewpoint, overdosed acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is one of the most toxic things on the planet.

    Really, REALLY bad choice for a suicide gesture, IF a gesture is all it’s SUPPOSED to be…

  7. Supernightshade
    SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 12:58 PM
    Sapper Chris
    SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 12:50 PM
    “I kinda hope she livestreams herself drinking a charcoal smoothie after her ‘attempt’ consisting of a bottle of vodka and a handful of tylenol.”

    …you could also induce vomiting if they haven’t been down long, but in conjuction with alcohol that’s probably not a great idea as this could have problems with decreased level of consciousness and depressed respiration already, and while ENOUGH vodka may self-induce vomiting, it’s a REALLY off-label use for Kamchatka’s finest, and more expensive than Ipecac as well.

    But, generally speaking, you do NOT want to try to induce vomiting if folks likely to pass out. It’s just a LOT of extra work if they DO, with a SEVERELY reduced success rate.

    Also, a toilet or a street isn’t the best place to look for pill fragments, and the casings may dissolve quickly anyway, as they are designed to do.

    So really, regardless of field solutions, rapid transport to a hospital while guarding against aspiration of vomit is the only correct course here, for treatment as described above, as well as whatever psychiatric counseling may still be available for purposes OTHER than convincing her she’s a dude.

    If you can find someone who loves her enough to DO it.

    If her folks let her grow up THIS far gone,

    …I’m not sure you WILL…

  8. AbigailAdams, very well said. I actually feel deep pity for this young woman, I can’t even begin to imagine the mental and perhaps even physical horrors she must have been through to make her this way.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s no way I’d ever want to be anywhere close to her, because you are so right about that death spiral that hopeless people have and how they’ll take others down with them.

  9. How many parent have threatened the child with, “I brought you into this world, I can sure take you out”.

    Most suicide “attempts” are just a “Hey look at me” cry. The face piercings and tattoos just weren’t enough.

    Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with birth control, it about marketing baby parts.

    I knew a guy that worked at a rock quarry, he packed a little dynamite out over a period of time and made a belt out of it. There was a guy that was serious. Boots and hat left.

  10. @SNS- only mentioned that as I’ve seen it in person. Many years ago and I still chuckle remembering the look on the kids face when the charcoal touched her tongue. She made it through though. The guy that powerchugged a 32 oz bottle of clorox….he didn’t. That was a pretty terrible scene. He was successful in his attempt ultimately, just took longer than he anticipated. I think they should put a sticker on those- don’t drink this it will kill you and hurt the entire time. Like it was mentioned, suicide is easy to do.

  11. She must be in the car on the way home after being denied an abortion!
    She should have worn a mask to the clinic. LMAO

    How about a quickening? Throw yourself down a flight of stairs.

  12. Sapper Chris
    SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 1:40 PM

    …they made a pretty crappy slurry if she tasted it, you do it right, it doesn’t really ‘taste’ at all.

    And it must not have been a lethal dose because, again, that doesn’t really do that much fir that.

    I only jumped on it because I, too, have seen it, but with less sunny outcomes. People do not realize how dangerous that stuff can REALLY be if you abuse it, or that it can kill you from liver failure WELL after the emotional crisis has passed, even if a lavage us used, because the effect lasts AFTER the physical pills are gone.

    Also, the bleach thing, yeah, that can be ugly, but also weird, if your patient’s sitting there crying and belching in your face, because despite the deadly nature of it, it ALSO makes every belch Springtime Fresh, which contrasts markedly with the gravity of the situation.

    Never vomit caustics out. No charcoal, either. Bicarbonate or milk, lavage maybe in a clinical setting, other that that monitoring and damage control.

    There is NO bleach antagonist.

  13. Unhinged young girl wishes she was aborted

    I wish that she was too, spare us all her agony of her wretched life. She’s a candidate for suicide and soon. So many like her are unhappy, born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

  14. Crazy libtard girl, child of wealthy libtard parents who gave her everything…car, phone, commie college education…but still has low self esteem because her parents never really showed affection toward her, but gave her everything without her having to work for it.
    I saw a lot of them when my daughter was in high school and college and I had to participate in student/parent activities.

  15. What trimester is she in? I’m sure it is well within the law in some states that her mother can have it taken care of.

    But in all seriousness, look what the left is doing to their children.

  16. @Brad: I would not hand her a gun.

    First, there is always the hope she will repent of her sins and accept Jesus, so enabling a suicide is not good.

    Second, someone so clearly deranged could be homicidal, too. Don’t hand her what could be the instrument for your demise.

  17. Is she the same blond emotional basket case that was going berserko in her vehicle a couple of days ago about the passing of RBG?

    Generally, I don’t think women are born that messed up. They’re created by the people around them or the crap they watch. She desperately needs better mentors, but it may be too late, and she’s a gone girl.

  18. I bet her name just happens to be Lulu…she has MASSIVE case of TDS, and I am afraid she is at a point of NO return from that diagnosis…

    Imagine having to drive even near her car??!

    And can ya imagine what stickers are on her bumper??

  19. She looks a lot like Chelsea Clinton, and has the same white privilege mentality. I bet neither of the two would give up what they have, all show and no go. As for white privilege, I don’t know what I have that others can’t have as well. All it takes is putting your underwear on everyday, fix the kiddos breakfast, see them off to indoctrination school, you fight the commute for 2 hours, put up with BS at work for 8 hours, pick the kids up from childcare, fix the kiddos dinner, chat with husband (if there is one), go to bed and do it again the next day. Did that routine for years – at least 20 years until we moved. Different place, a better routine, but still put up with the job BS. Now we’re retired enjoying the life we worked our asses off for. These same snotty nosed brats tell me whenever I go into a store to put a mask on, I get to tell them to “F” off, I don’t take orders from millenials, I am older and wiser than you. I’m done with these morons.

  20. My Petey B at one time wished he had been aborted but then he overcame his despair the second he laid his lusty homo eyes on my unbleached elastic starfish!

  21. Some of these comments are just downright horrible. This woman is obviously in pain and there is help available. Call a crisis hotline. Look for a counseling center. I pray she is able to find the help she needs.


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