LOLOLOLOL – White People Groveling at the Feet of Black People Begging For Forgiveness – IOTW Report

LOLOLOLOL – White People Groveling at the Feet of Black People Begging For Forgiveness

24 Comments on LOLOLOLOL – White People Groveling at the Feet of Black People Begging For Forgiveness

  1. I think we need to get some of these Indian tribes in on the groveling, they owned knee-grow slaves.

    Did Native Americans have slaves?

    In the Southeast, a few Native American tribes began to adopt a slavery system similar to that of the American colonists, paying to “own” and use captive African American people for profit, especially the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Creek.

    Google it to discover more.

  2. shameful white dummies
    good grief the only cotton these people have ever handled say fruit of the loom or hanes
    some people actually believe slaves picked cotton from sun-up to sun-down 365 days a year.
    in the southern United States, cotton harvest typically begins in July and is completed during the hot summer months.
    so what work did the slaves do for the other 9-10 months?

    and when are we going to start learning about the bidness end of the slave trade?
    these african-american dummies pay homage to a country that rounded up and sold their ancestors to the highest bidder AND they’re still selling slaves in 2023

  3. This is absolutely ridiculous. Christians should not be involved in this Marxist farce. Shameful foolishness.
    It’s extremely unlikely any contemporary Americans had ancestors who owned slaves or were descendents of slaves. BTW, where are the black slave owner descendents kneeling and asking forgiveness from black slave descendents?
    This leftist tactic is so insidious. It keeps the most ignorant tools in this country doing their bidding.

  4. An American Unit in WWII liberated a Nazi Concentration Camp. Among the Americans was a female officer. When she toured the camp, some camp survivors got on their knees, trying to kiss her feet, sobbing and wailing that they were now free. The officer gave them plenty of hell, told them to get up on their feet, stand tall like real men and stop crying and blubbering, and that Americans don’t appreciate that kind of behavior.

    Alas, The Greatest Generation is gone and mostly forgotten.

  5. Did you think that OUR federal government only weaponized the IRS, the CIA and the FBI?
    Think again!
    This is the culmination of OUR federal government deliberately weaponizing Black people to be used as a tool to whip White people into submission through years of pounding the propaganda of hatred and division into the people!

  6. Timbuktu, the greatest generation of which all of my uncles and my dad were veterans is not forgotten by me. To later generations who have not and were not taught proper American history more than likely. If not for my dad’s generation and their sacrifices in World War 2, Korea etc. a lot of baby boomers might not even have been born. And that’s a damned shame. The last of my uncles and my dad who were all veterans have died in their late 80’s and 90’s within the past 5 years or so.


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