1. Willy, ā€œ44-year-old Sahil Omar, an illegal immigrant.ā€, from a post at NCRenegade titled ā€œAnd So It Beginsā€. I havenā€™t seen any confirmation but apparently itā€™s being discussed at Instagram.

  2. I’ve heard that @ joe6pak, but why haven’t they confirmed it?….The silence about the three arrested is why sucks…Fuck, it’s been two days. There were many cops there. they know they got the murderers…..Just spit it out….

  3. Damn, Iā€™ve met a lot of stupid in my life but Jimbo is such a clueless mouth. Amazing how some idjuts equate shouting and foaming at the mouth to intelligent debate. Only idea he conveys is ā€œlook mom, Iā€™m a fool unable to communicateā€.

  4. It amazes me that so many asses are willing to proudly and publicly share their stupidity.

    Unfortunately for the asses, the uniqueness of stupid ranting has become more than boring, thus giving them only seconds rather than their ā€˜15 minutes of fameā€™.

  5. 44 and wearing a little boy style shirt.
    He clearly doesn’t pay attention. The recent shooters have been blacks, mutilated trans, illegals and Christian haters.
    Different Tim, it’s a requirement to have no brain, or at least not using your brain to be liberal. They merely require blind obedience.

  6. It would be unwise to turn your back to half the people in our country. Stupid, angry, clueless and no line they won’t cross to satisfy their righteousness. At others’ expense.
    No longer just parasites, they’ve been groomed to be shameless parasites and they have become dangerously venomous parasites.

  7. Darn, I was hoping to hear the sobs of an emasculated man-boy.
    He didnā€™t even get the whiny parts right.
    I think he needs a do-over to get all frothy and wild-eyed.
    This was a solid C+ performance. Cā€™mon man (if you are one) you can do way better than that!

  8. Typical liberal who buys the narratives fed to him by the media and those in DC who have painted conservatives as villains. Obviously lacks critical thinking skills, jumps to conclusions and most likely a product of public education. These types arenā€™t rational. Although the country flourished under MAGA leadership these people are in a constant state of denial while they observe their leftist politicians destroying every aspect of America.

  9. Don’t know why it’s so funny, there’s millions just like him out here. Wait until thee white man gets angry, oh wait, they’ve been dumbed down now by the black man. In their mind it’s been a long time coming. Trump managed to get a few black voters but not enough. Thanks George for bringing them here to enrich your pocket.

  10. “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.” Wherever that quote is found, this fool’s picture should be placed right next to it.

  11. “Another mass shooting!… Thanks Fox News!!!”

    (shooters were all black)

    “Thanks NRA!!!”

    It never ends with these filthy democrat assholes. It is literally not possible to have a functional country with these stupid scumbags around.


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