London Mayor Khan Open to Decriminalising Cannabis to Cut Crime – IOTW Report

London Mayor Khan Open to Decriminalising Cannabis to Cut Crime


Sadiq Khan has signalled that he is open to decriminalising cannabis possession, calling for an “evidence-based conversation” about the drug.

Mr Khan told the Evening Standard: “The time is right for our society to have an evidence-based conversation about cannabis — about the law, how it is enforced, and how we support those struggling with addiction.

“It goes without saying that I will continue to support the police to enforce the law as it stands, but all Londoners will benefit if we can start a conversation that leads to a reduction in violent crime.”

The Labour mayor said that there is a “clear link” between the rise in the drugs market and increasing violent crime across the United Kingdom. Khan made the comments after the capital saw its 122nd murder on Friday.

London is on course to exceed last year’s murder rate, which was itself a ten-year high. READ MORE

11 Comments on London Mayor Khan Open to Decriminalising Cannabis to Cut Crime

  1. Hey, Khan – If you were honestly interested in reducing violent crime you would call for the repeal of laws making it illegal to use a weapon to defend yourself or innocent others, and repeal of laws making it illegal to carry concealed firearms.

  2. Lived in CO when they legalized marijuana and I can attest nothing good came from it. More hard core drug use, needles showing up all over wealthy neighborhood bike paths and lots of peeing, pooping and anything else you can imagine on the streets. Also homeless population increased and property theft, damage and assaults rose. And the billions raised didn’t do anything for failing schools and horrific roads. So yeah go for it. It just enables people suffering with addiction and brings down everyone else that has to live in the hellhole.

  3. Interesting, I cannot possess a knife to carve my roast mutton because some idiot thinks that will cut crime. However, the same idiot thinks that decriminalizing pot will also cut crime. I don’t think that’s how it works.

  4. …hey, maybe they can do it California style and have the STATE sell it, but set the price too high so the black market flourishes, prompting Newsome to pull National Guard troops off the border to enforce his cartel’s control over drugs…

    …of course, Muslims are PROHIBITED from doing drugs by Mad Mo (piss be upon him), so this is just to get the Angelos stoned to make them easier to kill…

    “In his book Al-Halalwal Haram fil Islam (The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam)Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states the following:

    The first declaration made by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) concerning this matter was that not only isKhamr (wine or alcohol) prohibited but that the definition ofKhamr extends to any substance that intoxicates, in whatever form or under whatever name it may appear. Thus, beer and similar drinks are haram.

    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was once asked about certain drinks made from honey, corn, or barley by the process of fermenting them until they became alcoholic. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) succinctly replied, “Every intoxicant isKhamr, and every Khamris haram.”Reported by Muslim.)

    And `Umar(may Allah be pleased with him) declared from the pulpit of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that“Khamr is that which befogs the mind.”(Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)”

  5. Well, they promised us the same thing, and after they legalized it in Oregon, we had an influx of low-life losers, and now, surprise! Crime has INCREASED, And they’ll never get the genie back in the bottle.

  6. Winston Churchill, the great man, once walked the streets in that picture…Downing Street, Whitehall, The Mall, Victoria Street. Now it’s the hangout of murderers, scowling muslims, and leftist MP chicken-shits.

    Totally a fu*ked up scene.


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