London’s Muslim Mayor Has a Warning For Trump – IOTW Report

London’s Muslim Mayor Has a Warning For Trump

London’s mayor is extorting our principles.

He said to Trump, ratchet back your stance on Muslims or 

else they will attack America.

Daily Caller-

Trump recently praised Sadiq Khan for winning London’s mayoral race, and said he would be willing to create an exception in his policy restricting Muslim entry into the United States in order to allow Khan to visit. But in a statement Tuesday, Khan dismissed Trump’s invitation, and also denounced his views on Islam as “ignorant,” suggesting Trump’s policies wouldincrease the terrorist threat in both the U.S. and U.K. 

While Khan touted the liberal values of British Muslims, some polls have found worrying indicators that their assimilation is incomplete. A poll in April, for instance, found that two-thirds of British Muslims would not tell the government if a friend or family member became involved with extremists. Half of them said homosexuality should be illegal and over 20 percent supported establishing Sharia Law in the U.K.


27 Comments on London’s Muslim Mayor Has a Warning For Trump

  1. Yes because bending over backwards for them has worked so well thus far.

    Khan, STFU and do something about the body parts littering the roads of Time, always turning up where and when “those like you” have been.

  2. First it was Vicente Fox, and now this asshole. I can’t wait to see which Third world despot will jump into the Trump tarbaby next. Maybe the Dictator of Burma wants to pop off next? Step right up to the mic, fella.. I need a good laugh.

  3. Soooo. .let me see if I have this straight. . . the newly elected Quoranderthal mayor of the deteriorating CITY of London, is telling the Republitard presidential heir apparent of the US of A, who is wealthy enough to buy Kahn several times over. . . . this Kahn is presuming to tell Trump what to do and how to behave???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  4. Mohammadmen make unacceptable demands and when they don’t get their way they are inclined to kill people. And they kill just anybody handy, involved or not. This is generally called “terrorism.”

    So when Khan describes Trump as “ignorant” because his policies would “increase the terrorist threat” he is in fact displaying his own ignorance of the nature of his own hyper-violent dictatorial theocracy.

  5. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down my dear lady…

    The funny thing is it was relocated to Lake Havasu City, Arizona

  6. It WAS a threat… Whether he realized it or not.

    This guy is so delusional (from too much goat sex?) he proved Trump’s point.

    Trump: Can’t let them in because they want to attack us
    Khan: Let them in or they will attack you

    Hmmm… Let’s see here.

    How about, NO.

  7. I think Trump needs to send a peace offering, congratulating the new mayor. You know, as in the Christian maxim; ‘turn the other cheek’.

    An appropriate American made gift, like a whole Virginia Smoked Ham, with some smoked ham hocks and a package of American grown beans, and really great smoked bacon, and all topped off with good quality fried chitterlings!

    But then, what a waste of good food. Oh well, sacrifice is good for the soul.

  8. Let me see if I understand this correctly — Police officers should stop handing out speeding tickets because all that does is incite more people to speed. No person in authority should ever indicate to the citizens that they need to follow the speed limit laws OR ELSE WE’LL HAVE MORE SPEEDERS!!!!!
    Okay, I think I’m beginning to see Khan’s logic.
    Don’t call terrorists terrorists otherwise you’ll create more terrorists.
    It makes perfect sense. So then —–
    If we tell men not to rape then the obvious expected response is that we end up with more rapists.

  9. Love the headline I saw on Bing that said, MUSLIM MAYOR SLAMS TRUMP…because his view of islam is “ignorant”.
    Well, maybe if filthy, savage muslims stopped SLAMMING planes into buildings we could adjust our view of these psychotic animals.

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