Updated — Lone Shooter (Pictured) Kills 6 in Ft. Lauderdale Airport Baggage Claim – IOTW Report

Updated — Lone Shooter (Pictured) Kills 6 in Ft. Lauderdale Airport Baggage Claim

Graphic video below.

Gee, am I in need of reeducation because the first thing I think of is MUSLIM!!!!?



A witness speaking on ABC news, named Ismael Burke, says the gunman was wearing some sort of uniform and shouting, “I’m not Jewish! I’m not Jewish!”

So, he’s not Jewish.

ABC is reporting that the shooter had military ID.

Senator Bill Nelson says, “Esteban Santiago is his name.”


Graphic video of aftermath–>

(I wrestled with the choice of posting or not. But this is what people do to other people. I just as soon not report about the shooting at all if I’m going to tiptoe around what “should” be seen or “not seen.”

My apologies to the families of the victims, but this is the world we live in. Are we going to do something about it, or just make believe it doesn’t happen?)




25 Comments on Updated — Lone Shooter (Pictured) Kills 6 in Ft. Lauderdale Airport Baggage Claim

  1. From what I hear, ES had a checked gun in his bag.

    Here is my theory, slut that I am.

    He probably sat among the people he shot.

    Flying is so shitty these days that he probably just snapped. It’s likely the crowd in his vicinity so offended him that he just decided to check out of civilization, if that is what you call it, these days.

    What may have looked random, was him targeting his worst offender.

    We will likely soon find out.

  2. There’s unconfirmed reports that his cousin is congratulating him on FB. The post is something about good for him shooting white people. Seems to be a immigration connection.

  3. “Does this story take the Facebook “Trump Supporter” torture story off the front page now? Hmm.”

    Yup, dey dint kill him. Sarc

    Wonder when santiago bought his ticket? And why a shoot’em up today while congress is certifying the certifications?

    And weren’t we supposed to see lots nekkid feminists in the streets of wash today?

  4. So the Islam connection seems to be true. Also heard that he did have an argument with someone in MN during a layover.

    So Theory Slut got some right but, I should have stuck to the violent muzzified convert story I heard Savage question around 4PM Eastern time.

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