“Lonely”? Penguins – IOTW Report

“Lonely”? Penguins

With Penguins Missing Visitors Amidst Zoo Closure,
Museum Takes Them on Adorable Cultural Field Trip

Good News Network – Your friends and family members aren’t the only ones who may be suffering from stir-craziness in quarantine—these little birds have been missing social interaction with humans as well.

Since the Kansas City Zoo in Missouri has been closed to visitors amidst the novel coronavirus outbreaks, their resident penguins have been eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved human admirers.

As a means of keeping the penguins entertained during the facility’s closure, however, their caretakers decided to stimulate their cultural senses by taking them on a field trip to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

“Taking care of the wild animals at the Kansas City Zoo, we’re always looking for ways to enrich their lives and stimulate their days,” said zoo director and and CEO Randy Wisthoff. “And during this shutdown period, our animals really miss having visitors come out and see them.”

Read the rest and watch the video here.

Oh, for crying out loud. This is anthropomorphism on a snowflake, virtue signaling level. I hope the penguins pooped all over the museum. Do you think they really are pining for “the return of their beloved human admirers”? If they really are concerned and want to keep the penguins “entertained”, why don’t they build them a huge life-like enclosure to closely mimic their natural habitat where they don’t have to see the stupid humans gawking at them?

Sorry. I think this stay at home crap is getting to me. Even though I go to the few stores that are open several times a week, I need to be able to go to church and eat at my favorite diner. You, know … normal stuff! Sigh.

18 Comments on “Lonely”? Penguins

  1. The poor things must have had PTSD (Penguin Traumatic Stress Disorder). What they really needed was discount coupons for hydrotherapy at Sea World, not the Impressionist and post-Impressionist Galleries in Kansas City.

  2. yeah, it’s kinda like the movie morgan freed-man narrated and told all the kids about all the obvious homo penguins – except maybe some of the mothers mighta died in childbirth or something – NO, NO they’re fucking homo penguins dammit

    get it – morgan freed-man – cuz he was a slave …

  3. Watching the penguins in the Penguin House at the Bronx Zoo, while fun and quirky then, as a CHILD, I knew something was still not right. The building was about a 30′ x 30′ footprint. And that vid, is definitely not right. It’s very pompous human failed ‘environmentalist’ thinking actually.

    Very stupid humans.

  4. …totally OT…finally getting my knee surgery that DeWhine’s baby-murdering witch cancelled for me a couple months ago, knife time’s 0700, anyone got a prayer to spare, I’d appreciate all I can get, I need ’em.

    Thanks and God Bless,

  5. There’s no such thing as a homo penguin, or a dog.

    I’ve seen, watched with my own eyes, a goose attempt to copulate with a turtle. A tortoise, you know. How the hell anybody can tell the gender of a tortoise… I don’t know.

    I’ve seen female dogs attempt to copulate with cardboard boxes. Is the bitch gay, or the box? I’m still confused.

  6. Funny how people project human values on animals. Well not funny really.

    The birds couldn’t give a crap as long as they get fed.

    I like Otters. In the wild.

  7. Anything with the word “adorable” in it is leftist mind-dribble, usually written or spoken by silly liberal females or homosexuals. The celebrity-gossip section of news-sites, Fox as well, has lots of stories with the work “adorable” in its click-bait.

    It is a word to avoid like the plague. BTW the white-haired guy in the video has got to be a weakling liberal, quite possible a queer.

  8. To SuperNightShade
    If replacement, make sure they have the flexion machine ready to turn on once you wakey wakey, 4 times a day for an hr, then home w/it for 2-3 weeks. A very easy way to gain flexion and strength back in the joint, enough to go to PT 4-7 weeks, piece of cake.Good luck, prayers always asked for are given.


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