Long Form Video That Needs Watching – IOTW Report

Long Form Video That Needs Watching

ht/ moody

4 Comments on Long Form Video That Needs Watching

  1. the dude lost me when he proclaimed that the Beatles were created to be “part of a plot to brainwash the masses and introduce drugs to American youth” …. pulleeeeeze … Elvis was a sex-manic! lock your women up! … only Negros do drugs

    Newsflash: Bob Dylan introduced the Beatles to pot & they were quite late on the scene for taking LSD & heroin

  2. This is a joke right???
    This guy “needs watching” like every other paranoid schizophrenic “needs watching”, to make sure they are kept away from sharp objects, so they don’t harm themselves or others.
    BFH, i love you, I’ve always respected your courage to tackle the important stuff, but I thought you were better than THIS.
    This makes me want to trade in my tinfoil hat for a newer model. Titanium perhaps?


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