Long Time Democrat Water Carrier, Chuck Todd Comes Clean on Biden – IOTW Report

Long Time Democrat Water Carrier, Chuck Todd Comes Clean on Biden

Fox News

Former NBC “Meet the Press” anchor Chuck Todd delivered a brutal opinion about former President Biden, calling him a “craven political animal” who was more concerned about his political career than his own family.

During an appearance Sunday on Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt’s “The Warning” podcast, Todd delved into why the Democrats lost the 2024 election and what he perceives as the media’s relationship with the second Trump administration.

After decrying older politicians remaining in the leadership of the Democratic Party, Todd returned to Biden’s role in the November election loss. More

Last I checked, it was Kamala Harris who lost the 2024 election to Donald Trump. -Dr. Tar

7 Comments on Long Time Democrat Water Carrier, Chuck Todd Comes Clean on Biden

  1. It has been very clear that Psaki, Jean-Pierre, Schiff, Ratskin, Swalwell, and sooooo many others who lied every time their lips moved did so purely for financial reasons. And when the well is dry, well I suppose then it’s time to write a book about how obvious it was all along, like Tapper did.
    All about the Benjamins.

  2. If he’s hurting for money, he could probably make a bundle on Only Fans by putting on scat shows. He’s been doing that figuratively for years now so it should be, ahem, a smooth move.

  3. That lyng piece of Shit knew what was going on all along. He’s in the business to know… and he knew. He;s not stupid, but he is cowardly and as a willing member of the complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media he just followed his marching orders. If you fell for his act before, yer even dumber if you believe him now!


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