Longtime Clinton Suck Up- Quincy Jones Says He Dated Ivanka Trump 12 Years Ago – IOTW Report

Longtime Clinton Suck Up- Quincy Jones Says He Dated Ivanka Trump 12 Years Ago

He Calls Her a Rude Word in Bizarre Interview That Calls Into Question His Mental Health.


What’s stirred everything up? Is it all about Trumpism?
It’s Trump and uneducated rednecks. Trump is just telling them what they want to hear. I used to hang out with him. He’s a crazy motherfucker. Limited mentally — a megalomaniac, narcissistic. I can’t stand him. I used to date Ivanka, you know.

Wait, really?
Yes, sir. Twelve years ago. Tommy Hilfiger, who was working with my daughter KidadaA former model and current designer, Kidada is the daughter of Jones and his ex-wife Peggy Lipton. Jones’s other daughter with Lipton is the actress Rashida Jones. Jones has five other children, with four other women., said, “Ivanka wants to have dinner with you.” I said, “No problem. She’s a fine motherfucker.” She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Wrong father, though.

Also in this bizarre interview-

He hung out with the Clintons so much he knows why Big Pharma makes OxyContin. (?)

People dislike Hillary because she keeps secrets.

Jones claims he knows who killed Kennedy. (Implying he learned this from the Clintons.)

He says the Beatles were the worst musicians in the world and Paul McCartney was a terrible bass player, and Ringo couldn’t play drums for a “four-bar thing.”

Paul Allen (from Microsoft) is a great musician and plays like Hendrix. (I went to youtube. He does play like Hendrix. George Hendrix.)

Humanitarian-wise, America is the worst it’s ever been.

A symphony conductor knows more about how to lead than most business people. Including Trump, who he calls “a f*cking idiot.”

[Marlon] Brando used to go cha-cha dancing with us. He could dance his ass off. He was the most charming motherf*cker you ever met. He’d f*ck anything. Anything! He’d f*ck a mailbox. James Baldwin. Richard Pryor. Marvin Gaye.

I think to continue to interview Quincy Jones is abuse of the mentally ill.

ht/ Christian PDX

33 Comments on Longtime Clinton Suck Up- Quincy Jones Says He Dated Ivanka Trump 12 Years Ago

  1. Actually it does sound there is something wrong with his brainbox. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him disappear from the public eye for awhile while the docs have a real close look. When he does come back I imagine he’ll be a lot slower then he is now.

  2. I was familiar with one of his wives back in the early 90’2 when she had gone through rehab and was living down in Newport Beach, CA. You had the feeling that being married to him had an effect on her psyche.

    As far as the interview, nothing says I’m down with the Resistance like, “Hey, when I was 72, I shtooped Trump’s kid.” Very noble of him, in the age of Weinstein & Co. to describe Ivanka like an order from Popeye’s Louisiana Fried Chicken.

    But hey, Obama gave him a medal, so it’s cool.

  3. read the whole interview … if you want to punish yourself
    he didn’t say he dated Ivanka, he said she wanted to have dinner w/ him. if you read through you quickly get the impression that this guy’s a megalomaniac that thinks himself the absolute ultimate ‘creator’ of all that’s good with music. he knows all, only he can create the best music, without him there is no music worth a shit!
    maybe, just maybe Ivanka was just being polite & invited him over to her table, maybe she had dinner w/ him …. & 12 other people

    … but, it has to be all about him …. I bet he makes love to his mirror every night before bed … what a narcissist

  4. Paul’s bass line in “Come Together” alone has made kids pick up bass guitar. He can also play nearly every instrument. Isolate any of Ringo’s drumming in any Beatles song and you can tell which song it is. Every drummer sites Ringo as an influence. On that note, Quency Jones just soiled his legacy with his a$$clown, tone deaf buffoonery.

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