Look at all the women and children and families!!! – IOTW Report

Look at all the women and children and families!!!

16 Comments on Look at all the women and children and families!!!

  1. Tsk tsk, they’re ALL women escaping repressive govts. They just need gender reassignment surgery, and who are we to deny them? That’ll be CNN’s spin.

  2. So I guess they left all the women and children back home in their native countries. Their war-torn, violent, repressive, unsafe native countries. What a great bunch of guys. No wonder they all vote democrat.

  3. The Media has a photo of a woman fleeing the tear gas with two small children. I believe it will go world wide, as it is their intent to embarrass President Trump. I believe, as I think any sensible person would believe, that this was a set up. That woman put herself and her children in a dangerous situation (as did other women) at the behest of of the organizers. That was the plan.
    Now, if I was the MFIC (MoFo In charge) I’d arrest the women for child endangerment, reckless behavior, whatever, and jail them. Let them suffer through whatever process Mexico has for dealing with
    people who abuse children and put them in harm’s way.
    What pisses me off is that President Trump is trying to keep America
    safe from thugs, rapists,murderers, and the disease ridden, while offering these people an opportunity to come here legally through the system, but he is being back-stabbed daily, and has been for the past two years. Stay the course Mr. President, MAGA!

  4. This is an act of war. Invading countries sending their terrorist regimes out as first strike to do their dirty work. A tactic that spares their weak, corrupt military forces any loses and exposes their enemy’s weakness – in this case, “sympathetic of the cause” leftists.

    These Marxist countries are counting on U.S. traitorous, Deep State progressive trolls to assist these invaders in accomplishing the complete collapse of the United States of America.

    This is just the beginning. President Trump is a Godsend, but after potentially, six more years we are more than likely going to face dark days. Be prepared. The Deep State assault against this country will be intense after 2024.

  5. They are fleeing their own countries because there they were unsafe and somehow at-risk and cannot make a life for themselves, yet they proudly wave the flags of their native countries.

    Trump is a Nazi and Hitler and America is controlled by White Oppressors who hate people with brown skin, yet the immigrants demand to come to America.

    Yeah. Not buying it.

  6. Most of those sheetheads are better dressed than my kids. And don’t look like they traveled far in foot. Had one friend say they can be her neighbor! Well here you go darling!

  7. Listening to the “News” on FOX. I can’t take it anymore. But over the weekend I came across two documentaries which explain everything to
    me. And explain why America is truly fucked, despite our Love Of Country .
    Google: “The 60 Minutes Deception.”
    Then Google: “The Clinton Chronicles.”
    Two hours of pure misery, fake news, and corruption.
    My God, do we have a chance with President Trump? Doubtful.
    But if you watch the chronicles, note the mention of The Congo in Africa. Big money made there.
    Then, if you are really interested, check out on Netflix the movie:
    “The Seige at Jadotville” The United Nation is action.
    It will fuck your blood pressure through the sky, if you are a soldier.


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