There were six people in a house in Gatineau, Canada. A neighbour snitched. Police went in, Gestapo style. Assaulting citizens.
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) January 2, 2021
So, yeah. Every lockdown politician who made this monstrous world and then tries to sneak away to Florida or Hawaii? Fuck you.
37 Comments on Look at the world the left has built. LOOK AT IT!!!
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wHy dO yOu NeEd aN aSsAuLt RiFlE??🤪🤪🤪
Another case of “I’m just doing my job”. Fuck those cops and fuck those politicians!
That stuff ends when the risk of being shot exists. Kicking doors isn’t fun when the occupants are armed and willing to use force. Getting shot at gets old pretty quick.
Has the snitch neighbor been identified?
Yeah, and the Nazi officers and foot soldiers were just following their orders too. I hope they all burn in hell.
I don’t see this ending very well unless cops make a stand against tyrannical dictators. Just doing their job, fuck that. There’s no job in the world I would keep if it meant doing this shit.
How can they comply?
The leftists are non-Christian which puts them on a parallel with Satan himself.
I know a neighbor that’s gonna get his ass kicked.
Well this just punches holes in the whole “you do not need a 30 round magazine” argument…..
I read someone in Australia gloating about all the good things they have there and how Democratic they are and they are not suffering from a gazillion COVID deaths as the US is.
I didn’t bother asking if he had his front door kicked down by police for having someone come over to visit.
As an ex police supervisor I am appalled of the action of these police it is inexcusable to follow the liberal leftist politicians orders. As I had told many of my subordinates that they are not to engage in certain types or activities and if they did and received a complaint they were on their own. They would not receive any sympathy or backing for their actions
should be at the action and certain types of
There is a storm coming…..
Lock down or get locked up. 2021 is about saving lives.
I know two people in the state of Arizona I am going to sue if this mask 😷 wearing puts me in the ER or hospital. I haven’t felt good since being forced to wear the fuckin mask muzzles.
Dudley Do-Wrongs.
Check out those tactics:
A) have male officers do the ILLEGAL extraction.
B) then have ‘pretty’, rather benign, female officers show up, acting as a barrier between family and family, to ‘calm the situation down’, ya see.
It’s textbook at this point.
should have said they were muslim. Cops would have run away
All this damn chit rest on the shoulders of the great Nancy Pelosi when she gave the okay for the FN Muslim Omar to wear a hat in the halls Congress. She should have been left rot Somalia.
Larry, you tested positive. Go downstairs like Mom told you and stay there. Watch Biden videos.
Larry The Liberal,
2021 will be about taking lives. It’ll be up to the free citizens to determine which ones.
We have OUR lists too, you know.
If that was me i would just pull my gun out,oh wait,my gun is up north at the cottage 2 and a half hours away,not allowed to transport it.But yeah those paper targets are going to have all hell break loose on them come spring.
I’m frustrated but don’t give a fuck anymore,I’m an old guy and will live my life the way i see fit.
Every year For the last several i have had many friends show up at the cottage to shoot the shit out of paper,everyone of those guns were illegal.Legally obtained but no you can’t take them anywhere.
Almost shootin’ time.
“Legally obtained but no you can’t take them anywhere.”
Sounds NY or NJ-ish?
Certainly not Texas.
Yet here in the U.S. people are defending cops who are doing the SAME DAMN THING! Police who serve DemoKKKrat City/State Goberments over the people Deserve Nothing! No Support in any way!
@quad JANUARY 2, 2021 AT 4:28 PM
“should have said they were muslim. Cops would have run away”
Great idea, quad! Everyone stock up on headscarves and burkas. Put them on when the cops show up. On the other hand, NEVER open the door for the police.
“Everyone stock up on headscarves and burkas. Put them on when the cops show up.”
Wait. Doesn’t that just apply to the women?
Wait again…
Trans Muslims !! That’ll stop a freight train of personal oppression.
You’re a genius and I bet you don’t even know it.
Canadian Cop Threatens to Tase Hockey Player … ‘Get on the F***ing Ground!!!’
Forgot to can transport guns in Canada if you have a hunting permit. However i was in a walkabout in the bush a few years back,ran across a moose,he looked at me i looked at him.Then he took off at break neck speed.
Since then i have always wondered why you would want to shoot one.
Here is a little something to put a smile on your face
Massive New Year’s Eve Brawl … Skinny Dude in Fake Versace Pummeled
Captain Obvious
I believe it is called a quandary.
@Ghost – I didn’t pick up on your comment the first time I “skimmed” through the comments, but I just re-read yours. I saw the exact same thing you did – a variation of good cop, bad cop. Good spot.
When push comes to shove, how much reliance can we place on the police to fight for the constitution?
I expect we’d get more backing from our military. If the military acts for our freedom, some police will follow.
But first, we have got to have the support of the military, in words and in deeds.
A Tip-Of-The-Hat to the start of 2021…
Blame Canada.