Look at this New Yorker ad – IOTW Report

Look at this New Yorker ad

26 Comments on Look at this New Yorker ad

  1. He can carry a lot of tampons in that bag.

    Tampons? Manpons? I don’t know.

    Either way, those shorts should help to hide it if he gets his mensie in public.

  2. They’re so broke they’re giving a homeless guy $5 and a tote bag to take a picture for an ad.
    meanwhile, he doesn’t get a cut of the subscriptions.
    Eh, but that’s just another $4, really.

  3. Is it possible that when people live cut off from the earth for too long they go insane? The concrete under foot, the steel rail, the elevator defeating gravity on the way up to the box in which you live, the tires on asphalt taking you to the concrete floor of the store… keep off the grass the sign says…

  4. A guy I worked with a while back read the New Yanker and, on average, there was a worthwhile article in about one issue out of four. It got to the point where I only read the cartoons and eventually gave up doing that.

    I hope it dies real soon and takes the Atlantic with it.

  5. Notice Pat is holding the bag, as if someone might try…and take it??

    At least Pat is color coordinated with his shirt and toes and wearing sandals my wife would wear!

    Who fuck wears sandals anyway…

  6. I wouldn’t pay a cent for the crum-bum thing, but I occasionally read it in doctor’s/dentist’s/hotel lobbies. It’s educational to the extent of finding out what NY liberal people are interested in: theater, gay-queer stuff, and anti-American books and entertainment.

    The logo is an upper-class swell in a top hat, high collar, frilly cuffs, and using a monocle. How much further away could you get from the average American’s idea of a bloated and arrogant aristocracy? To down-to-earth Americans and God believers, it’s as foreign as the far side of the moon.

  7. New Yorker…something something something….

    Anyway, it just hit me. Some, if not all of the Transformers are gay. I mean, where the hell are the female Transformers? There’s two. A pink and a purple motorcycle. They hang out together. (wink wink)

    So we have dykes on bikes and whole lot of dudes who like to wrestle each other.

    Sorry….just woke up from a nap with this burning question on my mind.

    UPDATE: I asked my friend Kenny and he says Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Which…..totally makes sense.

  8. If the painted toenails don’t say “I’m a perfect target for a mugging”, the New Yorker bag sure does. Might as well wear a sign on his back that says “unarmed and low on testosterone “.


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