Look At What They’ve Done to US! – IOTW Report

Look At What They’ve Done to US!

18 Comments on Look At What They’ve Done to US!

  1. I appreciate the efforts made by this preacher to unmask Democrats and their evil intents to black folks (hope it works) but for the rest of us Christians and patriots, the democrats have been an open book for as long as I can remember.

    Their purposeful attack on our American institutions; eroding the nuclear family, dismissing objective truth, promoting moral ambiguity, punishing individual industry, weaponizing the judicial process, manipulating elections, and waging an all out war on whiteness, they are exactly who they say they are.

    We know who they are, but I’m not sure who “we” are, and by we I mean all weak-kneed spineless unprincipled Republican’s who can’t pick a side.

    Those GOP politicians that are too comfortable, too accommodating, too ingrained in the system, those do not feel a drastic sense of urgency to muster for battle, afraid to keep their swords bright, they need to go pronto.

  2. joe6
    The threats are off the hook. Libtards gone wild. There are Libtard elected officials claiming he should not be let back in the country. In order for him to visit Russia required state approval. I hope these idiots realize that. But yea, he now needs some serious protection. It kind of makes you wonder exactly what they are so afraid of. Will Tucker Carlson become the next Breitbart? You can’t make me believe he wasn’t murdered by the deep state too.

  3. I remember watching the DNC convention in 2012 where God and Jerusalem had been removed from the official platform. It was forced back in (by a very questionable call by the chairman) and the attendees booed the decision. I think with the election of Bill Clinton the Demoncrats must have installed a doorway to Hell in the basement of the White House.

  4. OMG! Thanks Claudia, what a great find! I watched a few of Mr. Ellison’s videos and he is incredible. Can’t wait to see this film.
    Sadly, there are only a few black people I know who would even watch this video without turning on me.

    I knew that Martin Luther King Jr. was a government socialist operative. Good to know men like Ellison isn’t fooled either about him. MLK Jr. was a major tool used by the left to corrupt black Americans.

    It may take a couple of generations to get black Americans to climb out of the Marxist mire and wake up to the truth. They’ve been manipulated by a satanic faction called the Demon-crats far too long. Hope it’s not too late.


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