Look At What We’ve Allowed the Left To Do To Our Kids – IOTW Report

Look At What We’ve Allowed the Left To Do To Our Kids

I include this guy when I say “child.”

Communist Cuba patch on arm.



21 Comments on Look At What We’ve Allowed the Left To Do To Our Kids

  1. This is about the lamest video ever. Being threatened by girls pretending to be hardened and tough women tearing by the preamble to the constitution and crossing their arms? Uncle Joe Stalin and che guevera may not be dead after all.

  2. I’d enjoy seeing this Gonzalez girl debate our oldest daughters (14 years old) on this. She’d soon find the value of a real education and what the Constitution means to the people of this nation. Trust me it would be ugly for her

  3. Would take a “special person” to debate the shaved headed dykester. You’d be vacillating between revulsion to the point of puking and sad amusement wondering how the thing continues to take up space and oxygen from those more deserving of it.

    Does the above thought make me evil?

  4. Interesting… I view them the same as the child jihadies… broken humans which can never be saved. These kids are far too gone be rehabilitated and reintroduced into polite society. Much like their parents.

  5. My nine-year old would wipe the floor with them and she has never been coached or told by me what opinion to have like these morons obviously have.

    We were in a camp ground last year, when she was eight, and she mentioned that we were going to go rockchuck shooting tomorrow morning and then hiking in the afternoon when one of the adults she was talking to said: Why would you want to shoot rockchucks, they are cute and don’t bother anybody. My daughter looked them straight in the eye and said: I guess it depends on whose alfalfa they are eating and our friends spent most of the spring on that alfalfa and what is more if you really like rockchucks you better prefer that we like going out and shooting them because if we didn’t the hay farmers would poison them and there wouldn’t be any left if they did that. But since we shoot them down to a level that makes it not worth the hay farmar spending any effort on wiping them all out they are there year after year.

    If just once I witnessed one of these children who have been coached be able to respond off the cuff with original thought like that I just might not hold them in such contempt.

  6. Pretty sure the second photo is fake. Someone cropped his barista apron and last word should be “order”.

    First photo: not before I knock the snotcicles from your ugly mug grandpa.

  7. We all need to be more careful about passing around dubious crap.

    Yes this a photoshop..

    Next the Cuban Flag is the same as100 years ago… Castro didn’t change it.

    So., She could be pro-Castro, anti-Castro or just acknowledging Cuban heritage. In South Florida any of those is possible.

    Let’s not squander our credibility

  8. And they are not coming up with this stuff by themselves. Check out the thrillist.com article entitled “Powerful, Inspiring & Clever Poster Ideas for the March for Our Lives Rallies,” published on March 23.
    My favorite is the last section, with specific ‘Poster Ideas for Kids,’ including “My parents vote for my life over your guns.” Yeah, but not for life in general, in the womb… Seems to me, these kids could just be grateful they made it through round one, otherwise known as their mother’s pregnancy?

  9. Her FB Page Emma Gonzales, list herself as a “Public Figure”
    She does have some sort of Cuban background. Also she an Hogg face are cousins.They have a lot of Pro’s behind them.


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