Looking For a Few Good Men – IOTW Report

Looking For a Few Good Men

Transgender marine, 20, who enlisted while living as a woman will soon become one of the first to be recognized as a man by the U.S. military

  • Aaron Wixson, 20, enlisted as a marine in 2014 when he was living as a girl
  • Lance Corporal came out to his command as transgender earlier this year 
  • Wixson is undergoing hormone treatment within military’s health system
  • He plans to have surgery to remove breasts before treatment ends in 2017
  • A 20-year-old transgender marine will be one of the first to be formally recognized by his command as a man after the U.S. military lifted a ban on those serving.

    Lance Corporal Aaron Wixson, from Tulsa in Oklahoma, enlisted as a marine in 2014 when he was still identifying as a woman, CNN reports.

    After years of discomfort, Wixson was this year diagnosed with gender dysphoria – a disorder that sees a person identify differently to the gender they were born.

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26 Comments on Looking For a Few Good Men

  1. @sis, I’m not so sure about that, according to some peeps, there is going to be a bloodletting, figuratively, at the five square the likes of not seen since the Röhm Putsch.
    Gonna be a lot of footlockers packed next year by the suck-ups who did it for star power.
    Clapper didn’t even wait for the proverbial “You’re fired.”.

  2. If the left wants to whine about things that increase jihadist recruitment. This is it. A weak enemy is a sign victory is not only possible, it’s a sure thing.

    This BS is another Obama legacy Trump needs to kill.

  3. Two Chesty Puller quotes seem to fit.

    The cause, Obama’s culling of military leadership:
    “We make generals today on the basis of their ability to write a damned letter. Those kinds of men can’t get us ready for war.”

    The result:
    “Where the Hell do you put the bayonet?”
    This one has a dual meaning. If you can see what I’m thinking there. Yikes.

  4. To be formally recognized along with a big ass dildo mounted on a plaque to commemorate the event. “It” can keep the plaque under “its” bunk–sort of like a security blanket.

  5. When I was 20 someone tried to explain what a homo was. I just figured they were making it up just to piss me off. No way in hell two men would do that.
    This transgender stuff reminds me of that day 40 years ago. I think someone is just trying to piss me off. No way in hell someone would do that.

    By the way I just got up to go to the barn to start milking the cows. Around 600. Yes I have help. A lot of help.
    Thank God for milking

  6. “I’d like to think Mattis would restore our military as a fighting force, not a Muslim outreach or tranny safe place.”

    I look forward to America being respected, militarily speaking, around the world again. Unlike what O and Carter did making us weak undependable sissies in the eyes of our friends and foes.

    One of the big reasons I started knowing Carter was a bad president.

  7. “After years of discomfort, Wixson was this year diagnosed with gender dysphoria – a disorder that sees a person identify differently to the gender they were born.”

    “Gender Dysphoria”, seems as though it’s becoming an epidemic.

  8. I think it would be best to simply let people with these quandaries out of the Military, general discharge, or honorable if their service was good. Is it too far a stretch to wonder if the person would get confused as to a mission, or worse, what side they were on?

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