Look at these morons letting the flag drape on the floor – IOTW Report

Look at these morons letting the flag drape on the floor

From right to left –

Van Jones, Chelsea Handler, Lena Dunham, Michall Moore, and some dude I never heard of – morons, all. That includes Variety, the photographer, and any simpleton who thinks this is a “cool cover.”


ht/ fdr in hell

29 Comments on Look at these morons letting the flag drape on the floor

  1. It makes you wonder if there is a flag they do honor. Probably more like a che t-shirt.

    I remember the first time seeing that flag flying over American dirt upon arriving back home from my first deployment and suddenly understanding what it all meant as an 18 year od.

    May she forever wave at least in our hearts.

    These people have a lot of people who sacrificed to put them where they can do this. Let’s celebrate those veterans and not these mic0-encephallic (sp) maroons.

  2. True words, Hans. I have felt the emotional wave of pride and patriotism when seeing our flag wave over Air Force bases during my time in service to the country. These douche nozzles engender disgust with their pampered behavior and sniveling comments. I am proud there are good Americans out there like those I read from on this great site!

  3. @Hans. To be sure, no matter what the media would have us believe, these ingrates are the minority. I suspect like most Americans, there’s nothing that stirs prideful emotion as the Stars & Stripes, nor such anger when it’s denigrated. TY for your service.

    Here’s a bit of trivia:
    Q. Who is white-lash, race baiter, proud black man, America hating Van Jones married to?
    A. Why none other than Caucasian niece of former president Jimmeh Cahta. Caucasian Jana Carter is one of 6 children of Billy Bob Beer Carter.
    I wonder if the angry black women on CNN panels seethe in silence that one of their educated proud black brothers chose a white woman?

  4. Notice the not so subtle Black Power salute by Van Jones.

    They only give a shit about the flag when the can use it to degrade America. I am so glad my son only served 6 months under an administration that despised the military and America.

  5. Frank:”Notice the not so subtle Black Power salute by Van Jones.”

    Indeed. And also notice how Fat 1%er Mickey Mooreon holds the flag like a dinner napkin ready to wipe his chops as if he just cleared out an all-u-can eat buffet.

    I’m willing to bet they wouldn’t be handling their new homeland Canadian flag that way.

  6. I’m surprised that none of them burst into flames upon touching the flag.

    When I think patriot and decent citizen, they are the last people on Earth to qualify. Now they are suddenly interested in Constitutional protections after they all took a dump on my Second Amendment rights for years.

    I hope they all get ulcers during Trump’s Eight Years.

  7. The more I look at the photo the more I think the FLAG was photo-shopped in. None of those POS would want to actually touch the flag of this great country anyway. God bless the USA!

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