“Looks like I’m going to jail” – Postal worker disposed, hid thousands of pieces of mail – IOTW Report

“Looks like I’m going to jail” – Postal worker disposed, hid thousands of pieces of mail

FOX: A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier is accused of paying a man to throw away 11,000 pieces of mail and hiding another 6,000 pieces at his home, reports said Wednesday.

“Looks like I’m going to jail,” suspect Kristopher Block, 39, reportedly said when first confronted by police.

Block was charged in LaPorte Circuit Court in Indiana with a felony for official misconduct and a misdemeanor for theft, the Indianapolis Star reported, citing online court documents.

A warrant for his arrest was issued, but online jail records show he has not been taken into custody, the report said.

Block worked at a post office in LaPorte, Ind., from 2015 to 2017, WSBT-TV reported.

In February 2017, the same month Block resigned from his job, a deputy with the Berrien County Sheriff’s Office in Michigan found multiple tubs of standard, undelivered mail in a ravine, the Star reported.  MORE

19 Comments on “Looks like I’m going to jail” – Postal worker disposed, hid thousands of pieces of mail

  1. Not as rare as one would think. It goes on often, lazy clowns dumping mail in sewers etc. to lightened the delivery load or shorten the route. Typical government workers. Many are there to collect but not to produce.

  2. I remember back in the 70s a young temporary postal worker was hired around the Christmas rush. A local guy saw hundreds of envelopes clogged against a fallen tree in the brook that runs through our Village. So he called the police. Sure enough, there were hundreds of undelivered letters in the brook. The police and volunteers recovered as many as they could and displayed them on the floor of the Fire Department Hall. I remember searching the hall for anything of mine, to no avail. It turned out that the kid had no understanding of his job, so he dumped half his load in the brook, every day. Nothing ever became of it, to my knowledge, as the kid had connections. That’s how he got the job in the first place. He may be a lawyer or a politician, or both, right now, for all I know. There are jobs in this world where “trust” is an absolute.
    BTW my mail carrier is a great guy, been with me for thirty years or more.

  3. “You don’t understand Jerry….

    Because the mail never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming. There’s never a let up. It’s relentless. Every day it piles up more and more and more! And you gotta get it out and the more you get it out it keeps coming in! And then the BAR CODE READER BREAKS! AND IT’S PUBLISHER’S CLEARING HOUSE DAY!”

  4. I’ve had two crazy Letter Carriers in the 35 years in this neighborhood and have witnessed a few at my customers’ homes. Then there is the fat, on psychotic meds, lesbian, man-hating sister of my exGF that was a letter carrier too. I can only imagine what those on her route experienced. When she tried to be nice, something unnatural was obviously afoot. It was like when you see a dog that was taught to smile but it kind of looks like a snarl instead. You stay wary.

    I think the rote nature of the job would be maddening to me. Not having a challenge means you can sleepwalk through your job and not have to care about anyone.

    “Going Postal” was coined in blood. It’s going to stay. It doesn’t help when you experience some of their crazy personally. My last guy was like a zombie repeating the same four things until I broke his trance with “Give me my f_____ mail!” I think he was repeating four parts of his union handbook on when it’s ok to not deliver the mail.

    There may be something to the job attracting certain kinds of personalities with these tendencies.

    I’m thankful my current one actually gets the mail to the right addresses 99.9% of the time. The smiles and hellos are bonuses.

  5. If only it had been National Security items to be delivered electronically he could have used Bleach bit or a hammer on his hard drive.

    Maybe he’ll get lucky and the FBI will do the investigation.

  6. Not all mailmen are bad, the problem is the unions save the jobs of the bad ones. I honestly would hate being a mailman, having to put up with piss poor management, lazy co-workers, dogs biting you, bitchy people always blaming you when your mail was lost by some other lazy person in a mail sorting room.

    We live in a rural area and I had a neighbor coming up to bitch to me the other day that our damn mail lady told him he had to quit parking his truck in front of the mailbox as she couldn’t deliver the mail and he told her to get her ass out of her vehicle and deliver it. So she told him he wasn’t going to have his mail delivered if his truck was in the way. So he then went over her head and their head and now they’re making him move his mailbox on the side of the road. I told him well rural mailboxes are supposed to be on the side of the road, they deliver out of their vehicles, maybe it would have been better if you had just parked your truck somewhere else and they wouldn’t have made you do what the rest of us have always been required to do. They can’t walk rural routes, it might be 5 miles between houses.

  7. I like my mail lady, she doesn’t have to bring our packages up to our house, which is a mile off the road, but she does. She’s also told me stories of how she hates the union and how they go out of their way to help the sorry folks in the P.O., but yet bitch at the good ones for making others look bad. She used to be a city carrier and said she took less pay to switch to being a rural carrier because she was sick of getting bit by dogs, but the union never forced administration to follow rules on streets with dog problems.

  8. I am getting mail with dollar bills attached. Some times half dollars, dimes and nickles. I used to feel guilty an send a few bucks backs. Now I am sick of it. I keep the money and shit can the letter. Give it up assholes. There is no phucking way that I, a pensioner on Social Secutity, can send all you beggars a twenty dollar check every month. Give it up. I don’t care if you are The Red Cross, Catholic Charities, The Apallachian Childrens Fund, The American Indian Starving Children’s Fund, Padreo Pio, The Salvation Army; Wounded Warriors, The American Legion, Veteran’s of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans, Disabled American Veterans (Who I always support), Blind Veteran’s Foundation, Crippled Veterans Foundation, The USO, Wounded Police Officer’s Foundation, Wounded Fire Fighter’s Foundation. Meals on Wheels, Doctors around the world,
    Local Churches and Hospitals. IOTWREPORT, Veritas, Intellectual frog legs, Ted Cruz, The Trump Foundation, Even that asshole John McCain is still hitting me. Also
    every swinging dick Republican running for office is hitting on me for $50, $100 or whatever. Get to phuck outta here All of you. I have a family to support..

  9. One time USPS stopped delivering mail on my whole block because the carrier was afraid of a dog AT THE OTHER END OF THE BLOCK. I finally figured out something was wrong after a week with no mail. Called the P.O. to complain, they said the carrier didn’t have to deliver the mail if he was in fear of an existing danger, but I could pick up my mail at the P.O. until the problem was corrected. When I asked why there wasn’t any notification that delivery had ceased, they informed me that there was a form for that purpose, but of course the mailperson didn’t have to deliver it because he was in fear of the dog.

    Now is that not your classic governmental Catch-22 situation, or what?


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