Looks Like Internet Control is Slipping Away – IOTW Report

Looks Like Internet Control is Slipping Away

Gotta worry about that down ballot.


WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leaders did not include a provision pushed by Sen. Ted Cruz to prevent a planned transfer of internet domain control in the text of a stopgap spending bill unveiledThursday to keep the government funded until December.

Cruz said in a written statement that he was “profoundly disappointed” in the result of the Senate negotiations, accusing his colleagues of giving in to “White House demands to hand over increased control of the Internet to authoritarian regimes like China, Russia, and Iran.”

“This is one more example why the American people are so fed up with Washington, because they expect all of us — Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike — to protect free speech online,” he said.

Cruz aides would not reveal what the senator might do next. Asked earlier this week if he would be willing to push the issue to the brink and risk another government shutdown, Cruz repeatedly declined to answer.


ht/ all too much

16 Comments on Looks Like Internet Control is Slipping Away

  1. If they take the internet away from us, best be ready to deal with them soon after when they come door to door searching for weapons.
    If congress won’t stop this, the situation is more fck’d up than it seems. Congress has the power.

    Good of Cruz to try and save what belongs to America. Something as powerful as the internet is not something that you just hand to your enemies. I can’t believe how much insanity we have to deal with these days.

  2. Active shooter in Cascade Mall in Skagit County Washington… 4 dead…. Shooter is on the loose, described as either muslime or illegal Mexican… CNN Don Lemon, the homosexual, refuses to report on breaking news on screen ticker… says “we will keep an eye on breaking story” until it’s revealed perp is an illegal Mexican or muslime. Then they will bury it and pretend it didn’t happen. It’s not a white boy.

    Witnesses describe as male Hispanic, others say Arab…

  3. If Ted can fix this and keep the Internet in America’s hands I can come close to forgiving him for his Trump tizzy fit.
    But I do hate everyone else in Washington even more.
    Why aren’t Ryan and McConnell making a big issue out of this? Because their globalist puppet master overlords want to take over Internet control.
    This is one worthy of a call to your useless Congressman.

  4. Tech insiders say it has been a done deal for months. The UN gets handed the reins of the Web with input from the Great Unwashed.

    Congress has only been going through the motions and Ted was playing cowboy.

    Unruly nails it.

    Draconian copyright restrictions will shut down all Conservative news aggregators and current events bloggers.

    It has been a good ride. 🙁

  5. NWO controls the GOP and DEM leaders like a slave master. They dont wipe their arses without permission from the Illuminati. Obutthole set us up for this. A major portion of our First Amendment rights will be decimated by these traitors. They will get what’s coming.

  6. The Left will be as bitten by this as anyone. Some may wake up. Most will say, Well, we lived without the Net for most of the nation’s history so…

    On the other hand, if you suspect uneven application of new rules you’ll be unable to prove it or do anything about it. Who you gonna complain to?

  7. Who cares? We hate Ted, even when he’s right.
    He supports Trump now? Oops. Take back everything bad we ever said about him. (Hillary bought Bernie a third home for his endorsement; supporting Ted is the least we can do)

  8. If 500 million Yahoo users got hacked by the “state” what will happen if the UN gets control of the internet?
    I liked it when I was younger with a dial telephone and party line- I would listen to Old Lady Johnson down the street for at least 20 mins each day. Never had a computer until 5 years ago and I don’t have a “smart phone” cause I am not smart enough to use one. My G-kids laugh at me for being old. If they are still around 50 years from now, they might remember “the good old days”.anyway-thinking of boxing this PC up and getting disconnected from the world. You all have a safe day- watch your backs and be aware at all times. dangerous days we live in. Peace… 🙂

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