What is this ??? Are they all having technical malfunctions? https://t.co/VvWmxpjm9G
— Girl♥️Bot (@AMErikaNGIRLLL) September 23, 2020
ht/ jd hasty
ht/ jd hasty
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a perfect example of a doddering old fool, both of em
If dems are going to demand in scotus hearings some kind of guarantee about roe v wade, then republicans should get some kind of guarantee on election laws.
Specifically, whatever election laws democrats are expected to bring up in lawsuits during the vote count.
What did Nancy say? I couldn’t hear her over the sharting noises.
He’s gaining more weight. The waddle is from back and knees getting destroyed and possibly a stroke he never mentioned. He ran to the stage not too long ago after the shampeachment, remember? Schiff was trying to stop him? “Jerry… Jerry…. Jerry…” lolol
Sheesh. This on top of the Biden clip. Seems like a number of these bad actors are in seriously bad shape. Oh, well. In honor of Jerry, here’s the CarpeDonktum video featuring Hope Hicks and Nadler, entitled “Could There BE Any More Contrast?”
How about that? The devil is calling his contracts due all at the same time First notorious RBG then…
Whoa. Curiouser and curiouser.
professional opinion- he should not be allowed to ambulate without assistance. Minimum of one person assist, with possible wheelchair following behind.
He’s gonna fall.
Remember filling a brown paper bag with air behind someone and then popping it?
What Would Jerry Poop??
OMGoodness Margot, she’s gorgeous. What a striking woman.
Technical malfunctions? Like Biden, Nadler’s ready for a box…
…or “ready for the land” as my 5 year-old said once.
Who was it a few years ago who called him Jerry Waddler? Genius!
Looks like he shit his depends!
He shoulda left ’em at the foot of Nancy Pe-LOUSY.
EVERYBODY else does these days… 😳
BATMAN, Hurry the Penguin is on the loose!
His whiteys ain’t tidy no mo.’
All the hate these scum are spewing is costing them with crippling physical effects. GOOD!
I thot his rougue eyebrow wuz gonna pull a Sgt. Hulka and jump off that urban assault vehicle before it waddled into Russia!
Bingeaux IVAN…
“OMGoodness Margot, she’s gorgeous.”
She is indeed, and also very classy. Grace under pressure.
Nadler tried to bait her during that hearing by calling her “Ms. Lewandowski”, a snide reference to rumors of an affair between Hicks and Corey Lewandowski. Probably jealous that he’d never get a shot at a woman like that. She handled it with class.
Nancy is saying: Jerry, don’t forget to take the rest you left in the chair!
I agree with the headline and the previous commenters. He soiled himself.
Holy skidmarks, Batman! That fat turd really does give a shit!
Cherry Nadler who was revealed as
stupid-ass Suprima in the first round of
hearings now wants to conduct a second
round to firmly cement his legacy.
Let the jerk go forward
we can all have a beer
sit down and laugh
even take a shit
as valid as Cherry’s transcript
It’s called the old guy shuffle when you know you’ve crapped your pants and you need to find the toilet real fast without it dribbling all down your legs. Hope they brought him an extra pair of pants and some clean underwear. Better call the Hazmat team to dispose of those toxic scivvies. And take a shower while you’re at it.
What ever Nancy just said it apparently scared the crap out of Jerry.
Weeble’s wobble but they don’t fall down.
(you probable gotta be over 45 to get it)
Naw, he’s just saving it for later when the hunger pangs hit
Speaking of crap I just got home from work and checked my mail and it was all junk including a letter from joey asking me if I am with him on the front of the envelope and the usual junk mail for cremation services. Both were immediately filed in the garbage can.
One lump or two.
I am living on borrowed time, and I see people like him and thank God I know Jesus. Even I have more energetic mobility than this guy, yet he still works for evil. I have never understood why anyone chooses evil/lies over good.
Definitely sharted.
Jerry should call Barry for personal instruction on how gay men do Kegel exercises to tighten their anal sphincter muscle.
Until then. In the morning when Jerry wonders – boxers or briefs today? He better pick briefs b/c they might keep the gas-biscuits from rolling out his pant legs onto the floor.
Oompah loompah, doompadee doodoo…
I learned at a young age to never trust a fart.
IVAN SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 AT 4:20 PM
Looks like he shit his depends!
Didn’t get past this one in the comments.
We have a winner!
no go-nadler having difficulty operating in dry-fart mode?
“I’ve seen shorter zippers on sleeping bags.”—somebody on the internet
Every time I see Nadler I think “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.”
Why does he always hike his pants up under his armpits? Did he watch too much “Urkel” on TV? Or, does he not want to wear a bra?
gin blossom,
I believe you nailed it with your comment.
As was stated earlier, “never trust a fart”, which pretty much describes the entire Democrat Party.
I think that’s the brick he $hit when President Trump said he would announce his pick for the Supreme court on Saturday.
Nadler is pathetic. I ALMOST feel sorry for him
God has a WICKED sense of humor.
@Diane Reynolds — I do trust your professional opinion. If he falls, I’d like to see him fall on either Rancid Nancy or the pencil-neck, preferably both.
A potpourri filled face mask would actually be a useful accessory to wear in that room.
No, the header is correct. He shit his pants.😂