Looks Like Republican Richard Burr is Going to Get the Punishment He Deserves – IOTW Report

Looks Like Republican Richard Burr is Going to Get the Punishment He Deserves

It’s obvious this bastard dumped all of his stock when he had privileged information about the coronavirus, information that was withheld from the public.

If anyone has any doubt that his dumping was part of insider trading, just look to his brother-in-law. He just happened to dump his stock on the very same day.

Circumstantial evidence is actually powerful evidence, not to be dismissed when uttered as a slur on TV court dramas.

Well, the FBI just seized Burr’s cellphone. That is big.


Every politician, left or right, who participated in this should be shanghaied.

ht/ jerry manderin

33 Comments on Looks Like Republican Richard Burr is Going to Get the Punishment He Deserves

  1. BFH
    ” .. should be shanghaied.”

    a better term hold be “Keelhauled”!

    Jrheads were the “Keelhaulers” in the old Navy.

    If you lived through a keelhauling the barnacles left scars that were for “a lifetime”!

  2. BFH
    ” .. should be shanghaied.”

    a better term hold be “Keelhauled”!

    Jarheads were the “Keelhaulers” in the old Navy.

    If you lived through a keelhauling the barnacles left scars that were for “a lifetime”!WereI the man leading the Keelhaulers of these —– we would not run! A slow , deliberate walk. Murder!

  3. This kind of thing needs to be dealt with unmercifully. He is unfit for office. That is the Alpha and the Omega of the situation. Unfortunately there are all too many Republicans who will defend him.

  4. He’s not the only one, by far. Plenty from both sides dumped stock. How come it’s always the Rs that take the arrows? This crap has been going on for decades. You think these cock sucking pols get into government for public service? Get fucking real.

    Off the top of my head I can name a handful of Congressmen I believe are honest-Tom Cotton, Jim Jordan, Devon Nunes…maybe Rand Paul, Doug Collins…pitful ain’t it?

    It’s a GD cesspool, playing us off against each other to get elected to use that power to enrich yourself. Out of this world disgusting.

    George Carlin nailed it 20 years ago, it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

  5. @ Walpurgis MAY 14, 2020 AT 9:41 AM

    The reason is that among the Republicans you will find people of character. They are those Republicans who are Constitutional conservatives. The establishment Republicans, for the most part, would and will defend him. If not openly defend him in public, they will be working behind the scenes, in the shadows.

  6. what about diane feinstein?
    grab her phone, but you better be fluent in chainese

    it is just lovely that these corrupt individuals had prior knowledge, to the extent that it caused them to take specific actions, and yet they allowed that knowledge to be kept secret.
    just fuckin’ lovely

  7. What you are going to hear from many people who identify as Republicans is: They do it too and they get away with it. You may hear it from people you know. That should tip you off to that person’s character. My advice is to be sure to count your silverware if you have those types over for dinner. Oh, and make sure to not leave any prescription medication in the bathroom they might excuse themselves to visit.

  8. When the FBI is finished with him, according to congressional rules, he will have a sternly-worded letter of reprimand placed in his permanent file. But if he behaves himself for 18 months, his record will be expunged.

  9. The reason the political country clubbers are sacrificing him should be obvious.
    He, as all the rest of them, has done much worse. But SQUIRREL!!, they will use this to distract you from all the rest of their dirty shit.

    eg what small % of the MASSIVE coronavid omnibus bill spenditures is legitimate?? And where is all that other money headed?! TRILLION$ of it!!!!!

  10. Not just this prick, but Swinestein, and that other RINO whore Loeffler as well. Have gotten well beyond sick of these fucking crooks getting away with shit that would get the common man 20+ years in Club Fed.

  11. If he was bright, and a quick thinker. He would have announced he was switching from GOP to DemonRat party at least an hour before dumping his stock, and he would not be under investigation for anything.

    He ought to know the getting what you deserve rule: X-name (R)= Right Away; X-name (D)= Didn’t Happen.

  12. What about all the money Obola, Jarrett, Axelrod, et al made off that corona virus?

    Why was THAT legal but this illegal?
    Oh! Obola, Jarrett, et al BOUGHT at discount – didn’t DUMP?

    Guess the media doesn’t want to look into that? Or the “Just-Us” Dept.?

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. How long are honest, hard-working, real Americans going to have to put up with politicians being above the law? I think it’s high time we put a stop to this–ourselves. None of these people are trustworthy.

  14. Marian I propose we triple the penalty for politicians for any crime and set up a citizen’s tribunal outside of congressional review with 50/50 representation. Heads should roll.

  15. @ aleon: “This could be a little retaliation for Burr’s involvement in the Russia hoax.”

    everyone was ok with his participation in all of that. Actually, it was his cooperation.He even covered for warner’s back channel communications with steele. That should have stopped everything right there. But it didn’t. warner should have gone to prison for that.
    No, that wasn’t it, I don’t think.
    He’s in hot water now because he, as a unique individual, really is low life corrupt scum and he got caught.
    That’s his baby alone. I hope he gets a very special prize for being the kind of guy he is. He’s earned it.


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