Looks like the dems are going to run the Deval for pres in 2020 – IOTW Report

Looks like the dems are going to run the Deval for pres in 2020




Barack Obama’s 2020 election signals have given Democrats the jitters, especially those who feel it’s too soon in the presidential race to push for a particular candidate, like top advisers and aids to the former president are pushing former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

Democratic strategists say it’s way too early to settle on a candidate and some wonder if Obama’s inner circle would be pushing Patrick if the former president didn’t agree.

Some believe it’s an attempt to divert attention from new California Sen. Kamala Harris, who many Democrats want to carry on the Obama legacy.


Looks like they are hell bent on running a “person of color.”


19 Comments on Looks like the dems are going to run the Deval for pres in 2020

  1. Who ever they nominate will select a Hispanic to run for Vice President. After Obama and Clinton, the Democrats will have to go with another first time nominee. I can already hear the MSDM extolling this wonderful achievement for another of America’s victims of White Privilege.

  2. Paging Howe Carr.
    Paging Howie Carr.

    Please pick up the red, white and blue courtesy phone.
    Your country needs you to fill us in on this Obama clone douche bag.

  3. That is A Unique Way To Do it Alright , Pick The Color As Opposed To The Individual ! Are’nt They Saying The Minorities Need Them, and They Can’t Do it as Individuals ???

  4. Both deval and hussein are axlerod puppets. If he were to get in, and even with his history in Massachusetts, he would just be another round of Chitcongo politics. Blackmail is big with them, and they’ll use that to run him, if that’s their choice. And with the recent court ruling that the DNC doesn’t have to be equally fair to primary candidates, they’ll hillary him forward. Have to find another wasserman to do the dirty work, but that won’t be a problem. And Howie Carr would be our friend.

  5. Obama came out of nowhere and had no real record to hurt him, other than his vote as a state senator on abortion. And the media worked really hard to cover that up. With trust in the media at an all-time low, and Deval’s actual record as a governor, it’s not as likely that the “black messiah” approach is going to work again. But go ahead, Democrats, stick with the identity politics approach. It’s all you got.

  6. Deval Patrick is a way for Obama to obtain a de facto third term. Hopefully, the more Pactrick tries to present himself as an independent neo progressive, it will become apparent, he’s just an Obama replica who was part of the Clinton and Romney administrations. By 2020, MAGA should have taken effect and the country will not want Patrick carrying Obama’s failed leftist policy baggage back into the White House.

  7. Deal has a record. Kabbalah has a record. Both are well documented leftwing racebaiters.

    Neither are a clean slate to project the media’s imaginary wishes for a Magical Negro.

    But by all means, place them at the head of the line in front of the majority of the Dem’s ambitious crackers and hispanics. I do love Blue on Blue shots fired.

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