Loon or Seer? – IOTW Report

Loon or Seer?

Meet the professor who’s built a model that can predict the presidential elections.

It has some remarkable accuracy.

Ironically, a lot of lefty sites are douchesplaining that models are unpredictable, yet, global warming models are balls-on accurate.

13 Comments on Loon or Seer?

  1. No matter what, DO NOT SIT AT HOME ON 11/8′. VOTE! It may be the last time we have even a slight chance to ‘drain the swamp’.

    If we think Hillary and Obama are corrupt, just wait for the unbridled HRC presidency.

    All of those stupid people thinking, we’ll just ride her out; HUH! Like they did Obama? We haven’t even begun to see the depth of filth waiting to engulf our country and usurp every single freedom that we so sheepishly THINK we still have.

    Hillary has auctioned off to the highest bidders, any future America that she can; schemed to gain the vote of those she loathes; doesn’t even plan to USE OBAMA’S SNEAKY, UNDERHANDED TROJAN HORSE method to allow unbridled illegal immigrants to flow, like hot lava, into our country.

    Healthcare fix! How? Has congress been so effective against veto King Obama? Just wait until the Empress of Hell is president!

  2. His model does not factor in the puerto ricans that have flooded into florida by several hundred thousand in the last few years. Nor does it factor in the Soros SmartMatic machines that have already been found switching votes for Trump to Hitlery right in front of voters eyes.

    People better seriously start thinking about what happens next if this psychotic nazi is installed in the White House. I have a hard time believing 10s of millions of Americans across just about every state, that are aware of whats really going on and have had enough, will just submit & surrender to this warmongering psychotic. Even worse, that rodent faced worm Podesta whom is now exposed as “the brains” of the operation.

  3. I prudicted that the Germans would attack Pearl Harber in 1841 … and that the damned Japs would conquer Eritrea … oh, yeah, an that that wall in Berlin would come a-tumblin down! Putty good track record, if’n y’ask me.

    I’m gonna meke my pradictions about this elelchsyun in January, when the signs are more suspicious. See, ya gotta be tied into the universil cohesional mind … an that works more better’n in January and Febuarey.

  4. @Mike Brown is an American Hero October 25, 2016 at 8:37 am

    > I have a hard time believing 10s of millions of Americans across just about every state, that are aware of whats really going on and have had enough, will just submit & surrender to this warmongering psychotic.

    Because that would be unprecedented?

    (Yes, even with the “No True Scotsman” retort of “this warmongering psychotic”.)

  5. I do some coding as a hobby, it would be easy to take the results of the last few ‘anything’, and write some program to “guess” the outcomes.
    Hindsight is 20/20.
    Computer hindsight is 1/0.

  6. According to my calculation, and i’ve worked them out to the fifth decimal place, Trump is going to win by 5.328 percentage points, and then he can get started and build the wall and put huge machine guns on top.
    And then we can put Hillary in prison.

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