“Loonesota” Group Advocates For More Diversity In Volunteer Groups – IOTW Report

“Loonesota” Group Advocates For More Diversity In Volunteer Groups


Minnesotans have rallied to help nonprofits during the pandemic, but across many organizations, most of those volunteers are white.

A statewide organization is trying to change that with new research calling attention to disparities in volunteerism.

“It’s about time somebody looked at this system,” said Karmit Bulman, who leads the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration (MAVA), an advocacy organization. “We look at the school system, our criminal justice system and our health system and we all know the racial disparities … are huge. But nobody has looked at the system of volunteerism, which is really the backbone of so much of our positive community change. … It’s time for change.” More

The comment section for this article restores my faith in common sense of my neighbors next door. – Dr. Tar

11 Comments on “Loonesota” Group Advocates For More Diversity In Volunteer Groups

  1. @Dr. Tar — You’re right about the comments on this silly article. Aside from the more thoughtful ones, there was this one that I like the most:

    Lmao not only will your generosity not be reciprocated, but you’ll be attacked for it by those who lack it.

    This is the epitome of Clown World

  2. Did they think MS-13 would step up?

    They just want money and reparations from white people and it must embarrass them to see how uncharitable some of their own communities are.

  3. It his volunteer situation, I suggest that trucks with loud speakers frequent neighborhoods where there are non whites to castigate them on a daily basis for not volunteering. Participation will not increase the release you feel like you’re doing something to solve the problem which cannot be solved.

  4. All of us rich, entitled white people have nothing better to do than volunteer because we are not spending all of our time being oppressed and kept down by all the raycissssssssss.

  5. I’ve volunteered all my adult life from my local Sheriff’s office to a local cancer center where I am now receiving treatment. One thing that was a constant was the low turnout of black people willing to step up and do their part. I have a friend that volunteers organizing and coaching sports activities after school at his church. The kids are mostly black, the volunteers are all white. When the parents are asked to volunteer they act offended as if we should be pleased to atone for our white privilege.

  6. @TheRealTruthSerum, you are absolutely correct. I work for a non-profit organization. I have 2 of 12 volunteers who are Black, one Hispanic, and the rest are White. I can only accept people who walk in the door and apply. I resent this writer that implies White people shouldn’t volunteer as much. I’d be up a creek.

  7. C’mon, the solution is simple – mandatory volunteerism (or compulsory volunteerism, if you prefer) in the under-represented communities. I have always loved oxymorons, and this is a good one. Why do I think so many of the arguments from the left are unintentional parody?

  8. Sadly, I live near Minnecrapolis. In my early years (after a stint in the Army, then college) I worked as an administrator for non-profits. I can tell you that the volunteers we had were all white. We contacted the entire community for volunteer slots. I hated this job and joined the private sector for employment. The “Red Star Trombone” writes this kind of crap daily. I never even look at this newspaper, as it is all propaganda and tripe.

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